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Recent content by ryangrieder

  1. Eye Catching Frag Pack

    Let Me Get Some Of Them Wobbegong Palys Under That Rack !
  2. Best LFS in/around Manhattan?

    Elos Aquastudio, Short Hills NJ
  3. Bunch Of New & Used Items

    Bump. Will ship some things
  4. Bunch Of New & Used Items

    Heres A Few More Things I Came Across: Used My Reef Creations (MRC) MR2: $325 MR3: $450 Used Blue Line 55HD Pump: $175 Used Dolphin Pump Amp Master SW 3900: $375 New Dolphin Pump Amp Master SW 3900: $450 New Skimz E-Series CM122 Calcium reactor: $300 Used Aqua Ultraviolet 120W: $550 more to...
  5. Bunch Of New & Used Items

    hello all. long time since ive been on here. i just recently moved to kearny. while moving i came across many items i had and do not need. ill be setting up a new tank in my new apartment soon and come back to the fish forum world soon, but for now i need to sell a bunch of items i have to save...
  6. Best Skimmer Under 20" Tall?

    i need help picking out a skimmer with a MAX height of 19-20 inches. 19 inches leaves me an inch of room for collection cup on and off. bigger the better. looking for any short style. needs to be good up to around 200 gallons or more. ive been doing alot of research and the only skimmer i can...
  7. Labor day Savings..

    hope the frag tank has some nice goodies for me! see you sunday
  8. WTT: 141w LED Fixture For AI Nano

    looking to trade my 141w teo tronics led fixture for a AI nano fixture or something close to it. my fixture is just too stong for my tank and i need something smaller. i can barely turn all them on because its just too stong. this fixture is 2 months old. brand new condition. let me know what u...
  9. hey you guys open labor day weekend?

    hey just curious if your open this weekend and any labor day weekend sales going on? i finally have a weekend off and wanted to take a trip over there and check out the frag tank. havent been there in almost half a year and wanted to take a trip. my new nano needs some corals!
  10. My New Solana. Ohh It Begins Again...

    very good so far. here are updated pics http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/general-discussion/127649-new-pics-my-solana.html im uploading new pics right now
  11. New Pics of My Solana

    thank u! i finally got around to restacked all the rocks and actually it turned out pretty nice! i love it. my mp10 is flowing the tank so much better. not sure what setting i want to keep it at though. right now its 90% on pulse. uploading pics now
  12. New Pics of My Solana

    im running stock skimmer right now, but just ordered the hydor skimmer. the light is a teo tronics 141w. information on it is posted today
  13. FS: 75 Rimless Complete Set Up Breakdown. Back Up For Sale. Everything Finally

    sorry everyone. i had pretty much everything sold... but then at the ended up getting super low balled. sorry, i will not take 200 bucks cash for everything left lol.took a long time... he came... and did not buy... sooo its all back for sale. sorry to everyone who PMed me. i just broke down...
  14. My Innovative Marine 8 Gallon Nano

    So My Girlfriend Surpirsed Me With My New Nano About A Week Ago. Never Had Anything By Innovative Marine Before, But What I Can Say About It So Far Is That This Is My FAVORITE Nano Tank I Have Ever Owned. Pros: I Love The Small Acrylic Pedestal It Comes With The Media Baskets Simple Design...
