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Recent content by russellbravo

  1. Frag Tank FS $75

    Pm sent
  2. WTB mixed frags

    zoas utter chaos, halle berries, darth mauls, red/ purple hornets, space monster acros oregon tort, hawkins enchinata, pearlberry, rainbow delight, purple monster chalice bubble gum monster chalice preferably in jersey
  3. Frag tank blowout

    +1 price
  4. Amazing Corals at even better Prices!

    Where r u guys located?
  5. rimless tank

    Looking for a rimless setup... Tank stand sump. Shallow and wide.
  6. punta cana snorkeling shots// LARGE IMGs

    the shots were taken at the resort's beach. my battery wasn't charged when I went to Catalina. don't go to saona island to snorkel
  7. punta cana snorkeling shots// LARGE IMGs

    dherrera- if ur trying to go snorkeling go to Catalina island. best snorkeling spot in dr Jr- thanks bro, although I did prefer the Riviera Maya. more corals and fish to see
  8. punta cana snorkeling shots// LARGE IMGs

    yes stbarnabas those are milkfish.. actually my first time seen them alive rather than on my dinner plate :)
  9. punta cana snorkeling shots// LARGE IMGs

    shots were taken from the beach off the resort. enjoy
  10. WTT: Gorgonian Frags for other corals

    trade? blue millepora or superman Monti for 2-3inches? I will be @ the swap
  11. small swap list

    darth mauls - ON HOLD
