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Recent content by rkaragozler

  1. Looking to buy back "Fuzzy Stick" & "Palau Neon Green Nepthea" from my old 450 Gallon

    It's been a long time. How are things your way, Would love to see the gang again.
  2. Looking to buy back "Fuzzy Stick" & "Palau Neon Green Nepthea" from my old 450 Gallon

    Hello fellow reefers, new and old. I am starting to get back into the hobby after a 10 year absence. I had soft corals in my old 450 that I use to call the "Fuzzy Stick" & "Palau Neon Green Nepthea" I know I have donated a ton of this to the community. If any one that had received this from...
  3. Richie's Reef

    Time for another update, it has been 3 months since disaster struck the tank. But with all the ups and downs of this hobby, I did not give up. From the disaster a couple of fish made it. As of now the coral seem to be okay, and their is about 12 fish in the tank. I am still running ozone...
  4. Can K1 Be Used/ 4 Chamber Sump/ Caribe Sea Life Rock?

    This is the front view of it.
  5. Can K1 Be Used/ 4 Chamber Sump/ Caribe Sea Life Rock?

    This was made by Jeff, from Lifereef, It was originally designed as a separate fuge. I did not have any luck in keeping macro algae, so I converted it to a Kaldness Tank. It is 24x18x12.
  6. Can K1 Be Used/ 4 Chamber Sump/ Caribe Sea Life Rock?

    Here is a picture of my Kaldness Media. I use a Pondmaster AP-20 for air. 4- Alita ST-150 Air diffusers. The filtration tank is feed from my return pump at 100 GPH an hour, and flows back down to my sump. . And for everyone that would like to look into it. This is the calculator for it...
  7. Can K1 Be Used/ 4 Chamber Sump/ Caribe Sea Life Rock?

    A couple of questions for you: 1- have you ran Kaldness before? 2- did you do the math for the amount of Kaldness you need? 3- Do you know that Kaldness has to tumble by means of araetion to be effective.I did over 6 months of research on the Kaldness media and I run Kaldness on my system now...
  8. Is this a slap in the face with cyano or not!!??

    I guess not, it's been ages since I threw eggs. LOL
  9. Is this a slap in the face with cyano or not!!??

    Yes please, lets all look at this as Adults. And hope no one gets offended by what is said. Swings huh, does water balloons put me into a kid territory too.
  10. Is this a slap in the face with cyano or not!!??

    I have to agree, the red list should be kept confidential. This hobby and its members are very small, especially considering everyone knows each other.
  11. Is this a slap in the face with cyano or not!!??

    Saltwater, I know it was a matter of time, you are right. But as a hobbyist we all strive to have many different types of coral in our tanks, Some we buy some we trade, some we receive for free. This is not a cheap hobby, that a can say for sure. Now the way I see things, if a member receives a...
  12. What POTO has been up to

    Congrads on the store Kenny, I will attend the grand opening when it goes public. Let me know if you need anything.
  13. Is this a slap in the face with cyano or not!!??

    Saltwater, As all the members know i have been in the hobby for close to 5 years now, I have given away 90% of corals that grow, and many pieces of equipment to newbies, advanced, and members in need nothing in return other then , just a handshake. I can also say that this has happened many...
  14. Possible reef tank for classroom

    ENB, I have also helped many people that started projects like this in the past, fell free to reach out to me.
  15. Trade

    if you can make it to Staten Island, I can cut you up some beginner coral for you, No need for a Trade.
