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Recent content by riff

  1. FS: Leaky Nanocube 12dx, stand, and all supplies

    I am willing to sell the testing kits, equipment, and light bulbs separately ($40 for everything). I also purchased some after market moonlights which will be included as well. I will toss the tank and stand unless someone wants to come pick them up. Some people wanted more information on the...
  2. FS: Leaky Nanocube 12dx, stand, and all supplies

    My Nanocube sprung a leak on the top right corner a while back. I tried to fix it with tape, but that did not work out. Tank has been sitting around for a while now, and it is now an eye sore. I am looking for someone to take the tank and all of the below stuff. All of the test kits are barely...
  3. Free clown, hermit crab

    Gone.. giving to lionfish.
  4. Free clown, hermit crab

    My tank started leaking yesterday. I want to give my ocellaris clown a new home while I figure out what to do. I've had the clown for about a year (eats flakes and frozen food). Located in manhattan in the 20's on the east side. Also have a hermit crab and may have a couple other things to give...
  5. WTB: Nano Chiller

    Hey, I would be interested in that. What is your ambient temp? And how hard is that to install?
  6. WTB: Nano Chiller

    Hey everyone. It looks like the summer weather is making my 12g nanocube too hot. If anyone has a chiller available for a smaller tank, please let me know. The JBJ 1/20 or similar would work perfect. Thanks!
  7. WTB: Frogspawn, Torch or Hammer Coral

    Only 1 or 2 heads. The more colorful, the better. Pickup in Manhattan would be best.
  8. Manhattan water?

    I'm not exactly sure how long the water lasts before going bad. I would presume a fairly long time -- but I'm no expert.
  9. Manhattan water?

    Another option is to get Petco Real Ocean Water. That's what I ended up doing. They ship free if you order over $50 worth, and they discount the water once in a while. It might be a good option with a small tank like yours -- especially if you have storage space and don't want to deal with...
  10. My 12g Nanocube (Take 2)

    A new day, more things and more questions! I saw this star-like thing crawling on the sand yesterday. And today I find an asterina star?? attached to a snail. Is he hurting the snail. Should I pick him off? And I also found what I believe is a stomatella varia.
  11. My 12g Nanocube (Take 2)

    Thanks for the tips. I know about the other forum, and I've been reading there as well as here. I'll leave the worm in the tank. I wouldn't want to try catching him anyway. I found a couple more things today: This has been sitting in the same spot all day today. No idea what it is. Some brown...
  12. My 12g Nanocube (Take 2)

    Hey there, I did move some rocks around. I wanted to get the polyp and sps more light. I'm not that happy with the new aquascaping. I'll do some readjusting and take more pictures soon. Is a skimmer really a must? I've read lots of threads that say you don't need a skimmer with this tank (so...
  13. My 12g Nanocube (Take 2)

    I'm not a huge fan of the sponges either. I've heard people use filter floss instead. I'm considering picking up some of that. I moved some of the rocks around today and found something new!! :spin: Any clue what it is:
  14. My 12g Nanocube (Take 2)

    Ahh, thanks for the help identifying the green poccilipora (SPS). I was told that I can't have SPS with the tank's stock lighting. The tank came with 2 24W CF lamps. So will it most likely die? :sad2:
