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Recent content by retiredfdnyhm1

  1. For Sale Brand New Tunze Pumps and Magnets

    2 - 6060 Tunze pumps asking $145.00 plus shipping 2 - Magnet Holder 6080.50 asking $40.00 plus shipping All brand new in original boxes Can be sold separately or in combination
  2. The Official Fauna Marin Ultralith/Zeolite thread

    I just starting using Ultra Bak and Min S, are you saying that I should not use that refugium on my system.
  3. Problems keeping bubble coral, grapes, hammer coral HELP

    I have 2 150 wt HQI and 2 39wt T-5 I have the bubble somewhat under a shelf so it is a little shaded.
  4. Problems keeping bubble coral, grapes, hammer coral HELP

    I can't seem to keep bubble coral, hammers, grapes. I have good water quality. Anyone have any ideas?
