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Recent content by pilot87178d

  1. BIGGEST Salt/Reef Tank in All of NYC

    Am certain that cost is not an issue....the logistics of support (water changes, skimmer volumes, reactors and additives) must be substantial....sump is maybe 500 gal? M
  2. Absence-Proofing a Reef/Fish Tank???

    Need some help finalizing the planning and setting up of a new reef (75 - 125g range) in an apt in the City. Am frequently out-of-town for prolonged periods....hence, the key question, above. Can certainly deal with putting the RO water on a float-switch so the salt level doesn't...
  3. BIGGEST Salt/Reef Tank in All of NYC

    I am reliably advised by a local maintenance firm that they support several 2,500 - 4,500 gal. set-ups in the City.....custom work from various tank-makers in the US and Canada. One in the office of a well-known sports franchise owner. Several in department stores, etc. Heck...can you imagine...
  4. Just moved in - My 16g bowfront Nano!

    Am new to Manhattan, also...want to start a Nano-Reef Local dealer in Manhattan that stocks at least the tank/stand combo? Would like to look before I leap! Thx! Marc
  5. Looking to set up a new nano-reef in Manhattan...

    Experienced Maryland reef-keeper, newly assigned to looking to set up a new nano-tank for Mid-Town apt....want to keep the gallonage small (no more than a 5 gallon water change), and need to find a place that offers interesting shaped tanks, i.e., large cube, long/slim/very...
