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Recent content by Pfodale

  1. Glitter Goni and challice

    My mistake. It’s a golden eye chalice
  2. Glitter Goni and challice

    I have a 3” X 4” piece of gold nugget chalice for free. Pick up UES right off the 6 line.
  3. Elos 100 setup and 50 gallon IM lagoon

    How old is the Elos setup?
  4. Toxic Green Trumpet For Trade

    I have 2 small frags with 4 heads each for trade. Looking for bright monti or favia frags. No shipping. I am on the UES and willing to meet within reason. Mother colony below.
  5. Arctica DBM250 Chiller, (2) Kessil AP700’s & (2) Iwaki MD-20RXT’s

    Please text me 917-828-5486 and we can discuss
  6. Arctica DBM250 Chiller, (2) Kessil AP700’s & (2) Iwaki MD-20RXT’s

    Is an AP700 still available? Can you meet in Manhattan?
  7. Want to trade for acros

    Happy to trade a frag of Acropra Turaki for a drag of Rasta Zoas. Where are you located?
  8. For Sale Frags for sale

    Do you still have Tequila Sunrise mushrooms? Is the Candy Corn Favia in the picture available for sale?
  9. FS: ORA Joe the Coral SPS

    Sorry 10016
  10. FS: ORA Joe the Coral SPS

    Will take a large frag. Can meet up in 10916
  11. For Sale Kessil AP700

    How old are the lights and where is pick up location?
  12. SOLD!

    Any Slime Ball or Blue Stag left?
  13. For Sale SOLD - 4 Kessil a360we and Controller - SOLD

    Would you sell 1 separately?
  14. Waterbox 50.3 shut down

    Stand included? White or Black?
  15. Coral Matt V+rain in spain

    Bought three great pieces Saturday. WYSIWYG - good sized colonies and extra large frags. Colors on the Rain in Spain on the OG Lemonade are amazing. Buy with confidence. Thanks again.
