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Recent content by Pax-Bellum LLC

  1. A.R.I.D. Reactor Ratings and Pump Requirements

    Please contact [email protected] for pricing and availability. Thank you for your interest, Tristan
  2. Arid c30 & e24

    Warren, If you would like we could schedule a visit and see if we can determine the issue. PM me if you're interested.
  3. Arid c30 & e24

    Did you ever get the Triton test done? What temperature are your tanks? Are you running any polypad, purigen or the like?
  4. Beananimal Question

    The 1/4" Flexible Tubing should be at the same height or just above the highest point of "U" of the siphon to create a siphon break to allow air into the line in order to regulate flow. -Leo
  5. Beananimal Question

    1. Let Friction do the work! No need to glue them, you may in fact need to clear them or do some other unforeseen maintenance. Give yourself some flexibility. 2. Do you have a pic? -Leo
  6. Vapers?

    Been vaping for a few years now... 2x - Atlantis 2 Tank 2x - ELeaf 30watt LOVE IT! -Leo
  7. Cutting 3/4" cell cast acrylic for tank

    I know the post is a little old but thought this may help. Home Depot carries a 10" and possibly a 12" table saw blade made by Freud for cutting plastic. It works great on acrylic I believe its 84 tooth for the 10". It has a triple chip carbide tipped teeth. I use them all the time for acrylic...
  8. Arid c30 & e24

    I've considered having this printed on the side of the ARID. It's also known as Mulder's chart.
  9. Arid c30 & e24

    Sounds Kosher.
  10. Arid c30 & e24

    Hi Warren, Is your Chaeto brittle at all? if it is I'm wondering if you could start dosing the borochrom first and hold off on the strontium/ molybdenum. That way we can know what the deficiency is. If it's not brittle start with the strontium/molybdenum first. Your flow rates seem not to be...
  11. Arid c30 & e24

    Glad to hear you caught the leak before it got out of control. The cross is just how the quick disconnects are made. I just make sure they're clear as part of routine cleaning during harvest. I thought about putting in a foam filter pad but it would obstruct the view of the Chaeto. Perhaps a...
  12. Arid c30 & e24

    I figured the water may take the path of least resistance and push more through your carbon reactor. The Ca assembly does put back pressure on the pump in order to feed and pressurize the Ca reactor. As long as the Chaeto is not pressed against the lid from the flow it should be fine. You also...
  13. Arid c30 & e24

    Did you notice a rise in Ph even though your KH went down? Notice any changes in your livestock? Your parameters look great. I wouldn't worry about the sluggish start. At this point I would attribute it to a small amount of Chaeto to seed it and its probably acclimating to the intense light...
  14. Arid c30 & e24

    Warren can you confirm the flow rate coming out of the ARID E24 to be at least 180 gph? The easiest way to determine the flow rate is to use a watch and a 5 gallon bucket. If the flow rate is to low you can expect slow to no growth. About how full was each chamber when you began, 1/4, 1/3...
  15. ARID Nano Tester

    We will most likely be at NERAC unless all the wheels fall off my car or some sort of family event, but unfortunately we do not have a table. However, look for us in our Green Tie Dye Shirts and we can discuss what is best for your reef and the financial commitment. -Leo
