70 gallon RR Oceanic, Sunlight Supply suspended light fixture w/ 2 250 watt, 10,000K bulbs and 2 39 watt actinics, ADHI sump 30"X14" w/ refugium, Pan World external main pump rated at 480 g/h, Reef Devil deluxe skimmer w/ mag 7 pump,120lbs. liverock (Marsall Island & Lalo),80lbs of Agra-alive substrate, Vortech, Powersweep, Maxi-jet 1200 and a concealed Micro-jet plus 2 eductors on main return for circulation, Specta-pure RO/DI with level controller for top-up, CPR HOB refugium and a Reefkeeper 2 for control, so far. Cleaup crew on the way.