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Recent content by Paul A. Ifkovits

  1. red acro bug cure DISCUSSION

    My cleaner shrimp did not survive. But I believe I was in the minority with the group of testers in this regard. However when I saw him struggling to stand, I decided to take him out and place him in a quarentine system which may have added to his demise. _________________ economic recession in us
  2. red acro bug cure DISCUSSION

    jb - I treated my system (all three times) during the day with lights on full blast. There is no noticeable colour change to the water. paul _________________ Toyota Vehicles
  3. red acro bug cure DISCUSSION

    DITTO! _________________ hash
  4. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    I did not experience a algae bloom either, though I suspect it would not be impossible for a slight cyno bloom to occur. For example, in the presence of a refuge and/or a tank with a large pod population you may see a temporary spike in dissolved organics from the die off which could fuel a...
  5. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    I completed a thorough check last night and cannot see any signs of the bugs. Has anyone else other then myself complete all three treatments?
  6. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    One treatment definitly did a number on the bugs and I have seen no signs of them since. I do not want to speak for Dustin, but one of my concerns is the treatment does not kill the eggs or sub-adult bugs. If this were true, then re-infestation would be likely in a one-treatment scenario.
  7. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    Tony - As Dustin said, three is to be sure all the bugs are killed. It was what I agreed to when I volunteered. But I am confident it is not something that will cause a tank to crash or have drastic negative affects. I have not seen any signs of re-infestation and corals continue to improve. Paul
  8. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    I completed my third and final treatment today. All is well! I decided to not do any water changes this time and left all carbon out and skimmer off for almost 12 hours. I plan to wait until the 24 hr mark before I restart the skimmer and add carbon. Paul
  9. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    Is this saying somwhere between 7 and 12 days they reach maturity and capable of reproducing? If this is true, then it seems like we may need to close the gap on the treatments to less then 7 days or increase the exposure time of the medicine. Paul
  10. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    Is there a way for us to research the life cycle?
  11. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    Tony-IMO, there seems a greater risk in isolating the refugium and possibly missing some of the infectious red bugs. I think part of the problem, and possibly even the "error" in the methodology is we do not know the life cycle of the bugs. I also wanted to add how quickly the overall...
  12. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    I have noticed very few pods when checking after the lights are out. I also noticed a decrease in tube worms that occupy the deep sand bed. I have started to feed tha tank very heavily at night after the lights are out in hopes of aiding their repopulation..
  13. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    Well, two down, one to go... No problems a all. Everything looks great! REDBUG FREE! Damn that feels good!
  14. Red Acro "Bugs" -- Looking for volunteers

    Blue Jester - Did you perform the water changes as prescribed after the second treatment? I am in the middle of the secod treatment and considering a smaller water change (10%).
