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Recent content by outdoorsman87

  1. Pax Bellum Arid n24

    Pax bellum arid n24 $600
  2. 120g tank $200

    120g tank 48”x24” good condition. $200 NEVER had any copper or chemicals/meds
  3. For Sale Baby black widow

    Still available? I’ll take it
  4. Equipment

    Msg sent. JBJ ato still available?
  5. Frankenstein bounce (sold)

    Interested msg sent
  6. For Sale Arid Pax Bellum N24 $520

    Interested. Just texted you.
  7. For Sale Black widows Nems for sale

    2” still available?
  8. Black widow Anemones fs

    Any left?
  9. Free Livestock

    Msg sent.
  10. Frankenstein and magic carpet mushrooms

    Msg sent. I’ll take it
  11. 48" Led super actinic w/uv and reef keeper lite

    It’s the strip light sitting on the plywood.
  12. Six Bulb Ati sunpower dimmable.

    I’ll take it.
  13. Coral Corals for sale

    Msg sent about the pump
