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Recent content by ottom25

  1. helping a friend

  2. helping a friend

  3. helping a friend

  4. helping a friend

  5. helping a friend

    Hi so here is the deal I have a friend who is moving soon so she needs to get rid of her 90 gallon African chiclid includes. Fish, decoration, crush coral, wet dry filter, heater food, water conditioner, stand, cover and both strip light. She is not looking to part anything she just...
  6. 90 Gallon Fish Tank for Sale Includes African Chichlids

    Hey everyone its been 2 years since i have been on manhattan reefs but im back so i am trying to help out a friend who is planing on moving unfortunatley she cannot take her aquarium with her so she has to depart with it. Here is what you will be getting with the fish tank 1 hood with 2...
  7. Part 2 of my moving out sale

    bump last day then everything goes to the trash
  8. getting out of the hobby moving

    bump last day then everything goes to the trash
  9. getting out of the hobby moving

  10. Part 2 of my moving out sale

  11. getting out of the hobby moving

    bump please help me out because I a leaving soon
  12. Part 2 of my moving out sale

    guys can you please p.m me let me know now
