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Recent content by oogie

  1. Misc Corals

    Would you sell mounted blue milli? Where are corals located?
  2. WTB Mogul Socekt

    I have brand new mogul socket with PFO quick disconnect. Its this one. http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=PFO-SA8MOG&Category_Code=Sockets I actuallly got it from Premeium Aquatics. I got this socket as combo with this reflector. That is actual...
  3. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    OK, I drop it off at the post office today. EVERYTHING IS SHIPPED minus those who will pick it up locally. Here is pic right before a took them to post office! I had work so much LOL! For those of you who is picking up loaclly, let me know when is good for you. Thanks
  4. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    MUWHAAAAAA! Its here!!!!!! I will pack everything today, and send it out tommorow. I think I have eveyones address now but, I will post here if there is any problem with orders and addresses. CHECK BACK OFTEN! If I have problem and post, and you don't respond today, yours WILL NOT BE...
  5. Top ten signs you're addicted to reefing....

    BTW, I think I need help.
  6. Top ten signs you're addicted to reefing....

    Hmmm, after reading all your commetns I think you guys REALLY need to take this test. Give yourself a point for every "yes" you give to these simple questions to find out if you are a reef-lover or complete addict! 1. Do you have more than one reef tank? 2. Do you have a frag tank? 3. Do you...
  7. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    OK. package fomr OM has shipped. According to UPS tracking info, it should arrive here on 10/4. Will keep u guys posted! Thanks
  8. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    I live in Fort Lee, NJ. I need to know, who will pick it up from my house and who wants their order shipped out. So please let me know so that we can go ahead and figure this out once I recieve everyones order. If you want to pick it up, please post here saying you will pickup, and I will pm...
  9. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    I live in Fort Lee, NJ. I need to know, who will pick it up from my house and who wants their order shipped out. So please let me know so that we can go ahead and figure this out once I recieve everyones order. If you want to pick it up, please post here saying you will pickup, and I will pm...
  10. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    I live in Fort Lee, NJ. I need to know, who will pick it up from my house and who wants their order shipped out. So please let me know so that we can go ahead and figure this out once I recieve everyones order. If you want to pick it up, please post here saying you will pickup, and I will pm...
  11. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    OK, now we need to sort all this out. I live in Fort Lee, NJ. I need to know, who will pick it up from my house and who wants their order shipped out. So please let me know so that we can go ahead and figure this out once I recieve everyones order. If you want to pick it up, please post here...
  12. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    OK, I got an update from Cassie @ OM. Here is email from her.
  13. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    Here is email I got from Paul at OM. I will let you all know! Thanks
  14. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    EVEVRYONE has paid, and full payment has been sent to OM. Stay tuned for UPDATES! Thanks
  15. Oceans Motions (OM) Group Buy!

    OK, i have made a partial payment. But stuff won't get shipped until its paid in full. Thanks
