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Recent content by nharbarte

  1. Coral Huge Pagoda Coral

    Huge pagoda coral for sale. Oldest coral in my tank. $500 (obo). *** Contemplating of shutting down my tank. *** * picture was 4 years ago, pagoda coral is way bigger. *
  2. Coral Indo Torch coral

    Up for grabs - now $200 only
  3. For Sale 30lbs (or more) of Dry Rock

    07083.. Willing to meet somewhere in Jersey
  4. Coral Corals for sale

  5. Coral Indo Torch coral

    lowered/updated price
  6. For Sale 30lbs (or more) of Dry Rock

    Dry rock for sale - $20. Roughly about 30lbs (or more).
  7. Coral Indo Torch coral

    Indo Torch coral (gold). I can send more pictures if requested. Asking price $300 obo.
  8. Coral Corals for sale

    Price range from $30-$70.
  9. Radion XR30 lights for sale

    Any chance 1 is still available?
  10. Radion X30 Gen4 Service

    I got a power outage last night. My Radion X30 Gen4 is not working. Lights are all off but fan still works. Anyone here who can service it?
  11. looking for sand ..

    I have bucket of sand... however, it's been in the outdoor for sometime.
  12. Trade for sps

    Interesded on the pink goni. I have many SPS for trade. I'll send you some pics. Can you send me a text (9083775526) and I'll reply with pics. Thanks.
  13. WTB: Skimmer

    Looking for a skimmer for 180gal
  14. WTB - Reef breeders or similar 4ft LED Light

    I have reefbreeder v1 only.. let's workout a deal... 9083775526
  15. WTB: Nudis

    Looking for nudibranch aiptasia eaters. Let me know asap.
