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Recent content by nano-d

  1. Brand new skimmer

    wow nobody needs a BRAND NEW SKIMMER!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. moving sale

  3. moving sale

    salifert alk/kh, koralia 2, and some others gotta find the exact model #s
  4. moving sale

    Yes skimmer is still avail.... Was pending but guy never showed up
  5. Brand new skimmer

    brand new reef octopus dnw150 skimmer never set up- 160$$
  6. moving sale

    sorry just got back in town check the beginning to see whats left
  7. moving sale

    am moving to an island, so i need it gone before the end of the month so i have no time to sit on it thats why am selling iut so cheap....
  8. moving sale

    Gonna try the parting out thing!!!!! New prices up!!!!!!!!!! Need it gone
  9. moving sale

    let me know guys (t5 and t6) i have to move soon and want to see it gone to a good home... theres a lot of things u get with the tank!!!!
  10. moving sale

    pic of 75g sorry for the bad pics
  11. moving sale

    any interst i wanna see it go to a good home will post pics later
  12. moving sale

    all corals r sold just a couple of mushrooms that r stuck to a big rock r left
  13. moving sale

    moving out of the country so everything is goto go... set up 1 75g aga reef ready with black diy stand- 70$$$ SOLD 48" 750w mh 250w on each side 125x2 blues- 120$$ SOLD brand new reef octopus dnw150 skimmer never set up- 160$$ 120# of beautiful live rock with some tabletop pieces set up 5 6...
  14. flatwarms

    i have a bad case of flat worms!!! whats a good way to get rid of them???
  15. flat worms taking over

    thanx everyone for the reply, hopefully i can get the yello wrass.. from rookey... if not then fwe......
