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Recent content by muwirosa

  1. nobodyyyy posts on this thread. who does s.i have for reefers! REPRESENT!

    Thanks Nottick, I may take you up on that.
  2. nobodyyyy posts on this thread. who does s.i have for reefers! REPRESENT!

    New Springville - extremely new to this hobby and this forum - just started setting up 150 gallon fish, inverts as of now....
  3. so very, very new to this hobby

    Thanks for the great input....I am going to wait on the refugium.... for now I am looking into the Trigger Systems 34 Sump and plan to put the fuge inside. I am also looking into protein skimmers (reef octopus regal, saw the NYOS Quantum in Germany last year that was really cool looking, and the...
  4. so very, very new to this hobby

    Thanks.... that's what I figured and for sure I don't want to take any short cuts
  5. so very, very new to this hobby

    Hi everyone, I am very, very new to the hobby so please bare with me, some of my questions may make you wonder why did I even started this hobby, but as they say you never know unless you ask. I am currently in the process of setting up a 150 gallon reef tank and would like all my ducks in a row...
