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Recent content by mpedersen

  1. Introducing Lightning Maroon Clownfish

    Hmm...considering that as recently as this summer they sold for $2000 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/F1-PNG-Lightning-Maroon-Clownfish-LM19-/161356563493?pt=Live_Fish&hash=item259199c425 ), and considering that everyone else's retail base price online seems to be $499 on Sea & Reef's (and more for the...
  2. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    Another little side note; it would appear that heist of MOFIB from the members and into Luis Magnasco (And other's) private coffers is complete, or at least pretty much headed in that direction. A refresher of the coup hoisted on the members, as posted by Luis Magnasco last fall: A quick LLC...
  3. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    Recently discovered something rather disgusting, but hardly surprising. Whoever is actually running MOFIB now has turned it into their own private cash cow. Specifically, this post was made on July 2, 2013 - http://www.marinebreeder.org/forums/vie ... 66&t=11801 - let's remember that the...
  4. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    Funny thing...let's not forget that no such "vote" ever happened...they made it up after the fact.
  5. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    No need for FB and I wont be a part of that - have the discussion right here in the open, transparently. And no, again, I don't think for one second Luis really has the basic level of understanding to even accurately self assess whether he owns the website or not, let alone how to run a website...
  6. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    Let's see...the first conflict was this massive tear to incorporate the group, spearheaded by Christian Hoffman and Stephen Kennedy. Difficult to do with ZERO finances and a group that was simply not ready. It was like what, 2 months in? That was the first distance between me and Hoffman, and...
  7. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    How can the site be "owned by the members"? Who are the "members" referred to? It was made abundantly clear that the site was "given to Luis" although to this day, I doubt he actually has any REAL ownership or control of the website. The domain is still publicly shown as property of MOFIB the...
  8. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    that is the only way to do it from Photobucket...but...know that when doing blocking the images as I did, I'm able to restore them. Initially, before the hotlinking block was in place, I simply renamed the directory (which is restoreable as well). If you delete your images as a form of...
  9. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    My official response to the request from Luis emailed above. --
  10. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    It is a hot linking block redirect - I am simply no longer willing to foot the bill through my hosting payments to allow MOFIB to freely display my personal, copy-written content. The message delivered instead speaks to that effect, though more concisely. I have not altered the MOFIB database...
  11. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    When Luis and John locked me out while on vacation in 2009 and lied to the members telling them I had resigned, MOFIB's monthly hosting was probably $15. At that time there were maybe a dozen domain variations, so maybe $150 in annual renewals there. That was IT. There was also multiple...
  12. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    On a related note...I received an email from Luis Magnasco this evening...
  13. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    Please do bring all to the light of day because the BOD that elected to hand corporate assets to a private individual really needs to see what is going on now...
  14. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    HA! Looks like Luis has fingered the following people as being responsible for this latest nightmare - "The Org.is ruled by the BOD,currently integrated by John,William,Spawner and Vince.Amie is the Secretary." These would be John Lauth, William Heaton, Dr. Andy Rhyne, and Vince Rado. If any...
  15. What's Going on at MOFIB?

    I think if more people stopped to realize that the SAME people involved in the latest "fresh start" are the sample people who presided over other "fresh starts" in the past (often behind the scenes)...well...that's why the dissent from outside remains, and that's why the issues can't be let go...
