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Recent content by MLVA123

  1. Help with new sump

    This man writes words of wisdom. Use moderate flow through your sump - and use a CL for high flow (or if you have the cash, use Tunze Streams, they kick @$$)
  2. pump noise and heat question

    Well, I did some quick research for you yesterday, and then got busy and didn't post it :roll: Model, price, output, head at half of output Quiet One 5000, $138, 1330 gph, 8' Mag 12, $98, 1200 gph, 10' GenX PCX-40, $129, 1190 gph, 16' PanW 150PS, $219, 1100 gph, ? I looked at performance...
  3. build off participants sign in here

    This looks fun - I think I'll give it a try! :)
  4. Those with blue background in their aquariums ....

    There's an enormous thread on RC that details a 240g in-wall project. He left the back clear, but painted a piece of acrylic that he attached to the back of the tank. It took him a couple of tries, but he did this gradient paint job that goes from black through three different shades of blue...
  5. acro question

    Can you post a picture? Have you seen this substance anywhere else in your system?
  6. opinion guys

    Are you going to PA anyway and just wanted to stop in? I've heard that Fish Safari in Virginia Beach is great. Knowledgable staff, big selection of corals, big propegation system, etc.
  7. Help me decide on tank Please !!

    Assuming you get the RR, you'll look back on this day and think "how could I ever have even considered not going with a RR tank?!?"
  8. Reefs.org Pump Selection Guide (suggestions/corrections)

    I heard that custom sea life went under - don't know what is going to happen to the velocity pump line, but I'm sure some company will pick it up... I heard a rumor about some company called "currents" or some such...
  9. Your March "War!!!" Photo Contest Winner

    Dig those green acro polyps!! Sweet picture!
  10. Euro Reef

    Speaking of ERs... They now have external models, like this one. I just might have to finally get one... since I don't have room in my sump without reworking it.
  11. Clownfish larvae (updated through week 9 on page 3)

    FANTASTIC!! Did you post a thread describing how you got the eggs up to day 11?? That is just soooo cool!
  12. Can you ID this algae? (Picture included)

    tagging along - I have some of the same stuff. It seems to collect where food falls or gets pulled by water flow. I usually just use a steak knife to scrape it off - it's tough, that's for sure.
  13. Can LR become dead rock? Recharge?

    Any cyano problems? I've read where outbreaks of bacteria or algaes can consume nutrients on which your corals depend. I would also extrapolate that to include the nitrifying bacteria on LR. If cyano or other stuff takes off, it could reduce populations of the "good" bacteria colonies and start...
  14. newbie-lights

    Well, speaking from experience, I just bought the Flourex Fluorescent Flood Light fixture from home depot for my refugium. Had to do some DIY wiring to put a cord on it. It has a built-in ballast so it's pretty much self contained and the box says that it's waterproof so that makes it good for...
