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Recent content by ming

  1. MR History of Manhattan Reefs!

    I remember those first few swaps, the bar, jonathan hale's apartment, and sean's store. It was also fun playing rock band at Josh's place. Those were good old times
  2. RODI Sediment filter - is this normal?

    looks like its doing its job
  3. New Here! Reef Acronyms

    MR: ManhattanReefs
  4. Reef Crystals bucket (160gallons) $32.50 - 34.31

    Figured this may help some people https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000HCLNQG/?tag=reefs04-20 with subscribe and save 5% $34.31 If you have 5+ items, as low as $32.50, plus tax
  5. Vendor reviews on MR

    You can leave a feedback on the "Reefer Ratings" which they shouldn't be able to edit
  6. KathyC's passing

    Just wanted to post some happy memories of this fabulous lady who always made you smile (stolen from steve who took all the swap pics)
  7. KathyC's passing

    It is with great sadness that I inform everybody that KathyC has passed. As many of you know, she has been suffering from cancer for some time now. She was a Moderator of MR where she helped everything from where to properly post, to helping many beginners as well as advanced members with their...
  8. Potw 5/17/2017

  9. Pic of the week 5/3

  10. Birdnest coral NEED HELP

    Pink is a good sign White tips is usually new growth
  11. Pic of the Week

  12. Apex warn you when disconnected from wifi

    Set your apex to port forward through your router so its like a website Then sign up for an uptime monitor (they use these to track if a website goes down to alert the admins of a business) It'll ping your apex once every 1 / 5 / 30 minutes depending on the service There are free uptime sites...
  13. Cycled branch rock 4.50$ lb

    I believe they all came from me. I sold him a bunch. The first one is most familiar though from https://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/sale-trade/173547-75-gallon-reef-ready-80-a.html#post1559541 but enjoy the rocks
  14. Cycled branch rock 4.50$ lb

    Those rocks look familiar
  15. Basic Certification

    I also did it at far rockaway. It was horrible for me too as all the sand was being stirred up from the boats cruising by and the waves splashing to the shore. I could barely see 1 ft.
