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Recent content by Mike612

  1. For All You Angel Lovers!

    I've seen few pictures, but never a video of this ridiculously ultra super rare angel! May I present to you the Peppermint Angelfish, aka Paracentropyge boylei! No it's not mine, but I wish it was! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP50rnyzFIU
  2. Interruptus Angel Price

    Whoa they're on sale now! They're going for $2300! Now that they're cheaper, I'll get both of them :P
  3. Interruptus Angel Price

    Ya that's one good looking fish. You know, if an Interruptus Angel can be sold for $2500, $1500 for an Earlei's Wrasse can't be too bad a price :P
  4. Interruptus Angel Price

    One of the two angels is off diver's den already. Did you take it Len? :P
  5. Interruptus Angel Price

    That's not a normal jump though off the ground. That's like a jump on a trampoline! It's a really high price for Interruptus Angels...
  6. Interruptus Angel Price

    I'm just curious to know why the price of Interruptus Angels has increased. The last time I saw them available, which was probably last year, they were between between $700 and $1000, depending on their size. Liveaquaria has a couple in their diver's den now for $2500! Why's the price so high?
  7. tang question

    Chevron's get bigger than the other species we've mentioned. They're beautiful as juveniles but lose their colors as they age. I don't have any personal experience with them, but I would think that they might require a bigger aquarium. I don't know Chevrons well enough to give you info on them.
  8. tang question

    The Yellow and Scopas Tangs can be pretty nasty. Between those three, I'd say that the Kole Tang is your best choice.
  9. tang question

    A Kole Tang may work. It stays smaller than other tangs and it's usually more peaceful than other tangs. You should still make sure it's the last fish you add to the aquarium though. All tangs will become territorial towards newcomers.
  10. snails, crabs and shrimp with butterflies and angels?

    Most angels and butterflies are ok with snails and crabs. On another note, a 30 gallon is no place for multiple Angelfish species or for any Butterflyfish. That size tank will make Angelfish fight for territory until only one is left swimming. Butterflies like a lot of space to move around in...
  11. Various coral and fish photos

    Beautiful pictures!
  12. Tang / Wrasse eating invertebrates

    The Bird Wrasse is known to eat most invertebrates. Odds are that it's the wrasse that kills your invertebrates and then the tang is just feasting on the carcasses. Your choices are to either stop buying invertebrates for your tank or to get rid of the wrasse.
  13. Check This Tank Out!

    They all seem to be getting along from what I can see in the most recent videos. Yes it's crowded, but I've definitely seen worse. If you look at the more recent videos (that one is from 5 months ago), you see that the two Powder Blue Tangs get along and that they do not bother each other.
  14. Check This Tank Out!

    This guy is keeping many pairs of tangs in his aquarium. The link provided shows the addition of a second Powder Blue Tang. If you click on his profile, you can also see him add a second Sohal Tang. They seem to be getting along for now and the tank doesn't seem too crowded. How long they get...
  15. 64g Tokyo tank

    Clowns are followers. If they see a fish picking at nori, they'll go for it too :D. My clowns nibble at nori all the time with my Purple Tang. My Helfrichi Firefish does the same. Do you have any tricks on getting an angel to pick at nori? I find that most of the angels I've kept need to be...
