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Recent content by mguili1947

  1. Water Box 220.6,Custom Screen Top,4 Radions Gen 4 with Rail ,2 Maxspect 1/350 1/330 2 Mp40 ,NYOS 160 skimmer,Return pump and more

    Due to health reasons I will be selling my whole setup complete with fish Yellow tang ,Purple Tang ,SoHo Tang,Powder Blue Tang,Lipstick Naso , Niger Trigger, Regal Angel and all Corals Water Box 220.6,Custom Screen Top,4 Radions Gen 4 with Rail ,2 Maxspect 1/350 1/330 2 Mp40 ,NYOS 160...
  2. Sps f/s

    Both pending pick up
  3. Sps f/s

    RR the Vhin Green Slimer
  4. Coral PC Rainbow and Cherry Blossom Frags

    PC Rainbow Frags $30-$50 Blossom Frags $35
  5. FS Sps Colony

  6. FS Sps Colony

    Colony PC Rainbow $275 Colony Reverse Superman Monti $60 Raja Rampage $50 Pick up Ronkonkoma 11779
  7. Lg Colony Pc Rainbow

    Colony PC Rainbow 125.00 or best offer Ronkonkoma
  8. Sps for sale

    Cherry blossom  Toxic green Slimer  Oregon Tort Battle coral Macrolades All 4 -100.00 Pick up Ronkonkoma
  9. Large colony PC Rainbow

    Large colony PC Rainbow 300.00 JF Raja Rampage 50.00 Pick up Ronkonkoma 11779
  10. Small PC rainbow

  11. Small PC rainbow

    Nice size frag of PC rainbow $35 Battle corals Macrolades $10.00 each Pick up Ronkonkoma
  12. Bubble Tip

  13. Colony PC Rainbow

  14. Bubble Tip

    Bubble tip. $45.00 Pick up Ronkonkoma 11779
