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Recent content by Lostinthedark

  1. LOOKING LOOKING AND LOOKING!!! 100$ to spend...

    http://www.popcorals.com/ They have a store front in brooklyn
  2. Lights

    The ATI bulbs are all supposed to support coral growth so it is mainly a matter of what you would like to look at. To give you an idea I run 3 Blue+ 3 coral+ an actinic and a purple+ in mine for a crisp white with a hint of blue. I had an aquablue special but removed it because it made the tank...
  3. Mostly SPS frags

    https://vimeo.com/157480103 Opened up immediately.
  4. Mostly SPS frags

    Got my frags this morning. Nice size. Polyps are already open. Thanks for a great transaction.
  5. Mostly SPS frags

    PM sent
  6. RO/DI Conundrum

    You might try re-seating your membrane and make sure it went in all the way. Thats the most common issue after a change. I ise a pair of needle nose pliers and twist it as it goes in. Good Luck
  7. New Jebao "Gyre" Pumps *Confirmed*

    Even more interesting: http://www.fish-street.com/jebao_wifi_cross_flow_pump_cp-40
  8. WTB Green Nepthea Leather Coral Tree

    Where are you in NJ?
  9. Why do so many people leave the hobby?

    I've been keeping fish tanks since the 60s. Yes Goldfish bowl, then Guppies and eventually up to Swordtails. I asked the landlord in my first apartment if I could keep a small tank and he almost popped a gasket when he saw a 55 gal saltwater tank. The only times I haven't had a tank was while...
  10. Fathom LEDs not workin

    I have the same issue with my Ocean Revive s026. It seems the blues can't take as much heat as the other leds and another thread had the issue on Apollos. I think we are all going to have to learn to be electricians on our lights that are supposed to last 25 years.
  11. Get BTA off rock

    I tried the ice initially. They wouldn't budge, but it doesn't hurt to try.
  12. Get BTA off rock

    I went through the same issue with my RBTAs. 1 became 8 over a few years. They were so embedded deep into my rockwork that I had to break it all down to get them out. Most came of rather easily by suspending them over a bucket of water and using my fingers to gently get under the foot and let...
  13. Nitrate Issue

    I run a 225 mixed reef with a large bio load. I started Bio pellets to keep my Nitrates in check. They take quite a while to kick in and show results. My Nitrates are now undetectable and I worry I went too far in the other direction. I also run a 40 gal Fuge that I need to trim a basketball...
  14. BioPellet Reactor for Fowler

    I would really consider it. I have been running Ecobak pellets for a year now in a heavily stocked mixed reef. My nitrates and Phos always test 0. Bio pellets seem to be hit or miss. In my case it took at least 6 months before I saw any real improvement, but now I rarely run GFO and the water...
  15. Where to buy Calcium Chloride for Randy's recipe?

    Lowes and HD are going with cheaper brand names. When I looked up the MSDS for their new stuf it was only 60% calcium chloride. I wouldn't use it.
