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Recent content by locojazz74

  1. 90g Tank+30g Refugium sump+Cabinet

    PM replied for ihatefish
  2. 90g Tank+30g Refugium sump+Cabinet

    price drop.... asking $450 for everything (includes a bunch of chemicals like calcium, micro elements and other stuff)....
  3. Banded Pipefish

    i never saw him eating frozen stuff....he goes for pods and other critters that used to thrive in my lr....he was also eating the cleaner shrimp larvae everytime they were spawning....it was a feast for him!
  4. Banded Pipefish

    do u have a seahorse tank? it would be perfect!
  5. 90g Tank+30g Refugium sump+Cabinet

    yes...still have it!
  6. Banded Pipefish

    still have this guy.....
  7. Pistol shrimp + Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

    sold...thanx willie, I'm sure they re in good hands!
  8. 90g Tank+30g Refugium sump+Cabinet

    Preference to whoever takes the whole system.....I'll have a friend of mine this week end with a Jeep....we'll be able to deliver within 1 hour from zip 11218 anyone interested
  9. 90g Tank+30g Refugium sump+Cabinet

    PM replied to Joe... I can sell the sump/refugium separately
  10. 90g Tank+30g Refugium sump+Cabinet

    elevator in my building was fixed yesterday....yaaaaaay!!!! I was afraid i had to carry all this down from the 5th floor... :-)
  11. Banded Pipefish

    you got pm
  12. Pistol shrimp + Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

    Willie you got PM
  13. 90g Tank+30g Refugium sump+Cabinet

    Thanx James, it was a pleasure to meet you, and let me know when you come to Italy. guys..any reasonable offer for the whole system?
  14. Banded Pipefish

    He's about 6 inches and very healthy. Like all the pipefish and sea horses, requires a very well established tank for it's impossible to feed. I had him for almost a year and he was feeding on my live rocks (amphipods, copepods,,). I want him to go to a good home... $20, pick up in Brooklyn...
