Sold guys. Now I’m out for good sorry if I hurt anybody here if I did something bad mine apologize and for all mine friend I which the best keep up. Thanks guys I’m going delete all mine apps connect to reef I’m not long reefer anymore. Good bye everyone
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I hope everybody understand I can’t sell separate just get the whole set up and alive stoke pump tank fish etc... for 500 compare the price market is nothing
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Pump all still avaliable 500$ need sell ASAP going to divorce can’t take care it no more before bring to store I like give chance to someone getting it is great value there trust me. Just need good home pick up Newark. Avaliable now
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still avaliable take the whole tank all the nem corals fish setup all for 600
Just csb is more than that need move out pick in Newark
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Livestock gone
Now I have the equipment
Chiller aqua Susa 1/13
Three Nero 5 pump
Tritent with reagent
Radion 4g 30x
Radion 4g 15x
Light support
Two 5 gall acrylic container
Ato water change
Ato RO
Reef link
One box with 15 box shipping supplie
Brs doser pump