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Recent content by LCGoldman

  1. Cyclop-eeze: Frozen vs. Freeze Dried

    Thanks for the info.
  2. Cyclop-eeze: Frozen vs. Freeze Dried

    When you feed the freeze dried cyclop-eeze, do you soak it in water first?
  3. Cyclop-eeze: Frozen vs. Freeze Dried

    Does anyone have an opinion or scientific evidence that one is significantly better than the other -OR- are they interchangeable?
  4. Flushing RO Membranes

    tagging along
  5. Seio pump group buy

    I'd be interested in getting in on the next group order of SEIO's. Thanks
  6. Southdown sand, CaribSea sand

    Please let me know if the sand is still available. Thanks
  7. Pink Pocillipora Frags $10

    Any left? [ December 01, 2004, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: LCGoldman ]
  8. Shipping a Clam

    Quite an expensive delicacy I would say ;)
  9. Water changes

    "Dilution is the Solution to Pollution":wink:
  10. Any good freshwater forum?

    www.aquariumfish.com has quite a few freshwater forums
  11. Seeking Lighting Suggestions/Advice

    Thanks Len, Funds are an issue... Any one who's asked me what they can get me for the holidays, I'm telling the MONEY this year LOL.... but, not to sound greedy, I will tell them what it's for... kind of like a gift registry LOL.
  12. Seeking Lighting Suggestions/Advice

    I need some input on lighting designs for my 92g corner tank. I've decided to upgrade from my 2x92w PC lights. I think I can ask my father-in-law who's very handy to build me a hood as a holiday present :) Being that the tank is in the shape of a quarter circle, I thought of two possible ideas...
  13. nitrate

    How long has the tank been running? What are the other water parameters? What's your other equipment? etc., etc.
  14. Light confusion

    Is your tank a corner tank? If so, what size is your fixture, and are you getting good light coverage through the tank? Thanks,
  15. substrate decisions - dsb crashes

    Sorry Robb... please forgive me.
