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Recent content by krzysiek

  1. Coral Corals for sale, zoas, palys, mushroom, montipora

    After 8pm or Sunday all day
  2. Inverts Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemone for sale

    Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemone for sale Large $30 Small $15 Pick up: Selden NY 11784 PM or text 7 #1.8 *2^49 3@5 7_6 Krys
  3. Coral Corals for sale, zoas, palys, mushroom, montipora

    Zoas about 12 polyps $15 Palythoa grandis 1 polyp $20 Tropic thunder montipora $15 mushroom $15 or all 4 for $45 WYSIWYG Pick up: Selden, NY 11784 PM or text 7 #1.8 *2^49 3@5 7_6 Krys
  4. For Sale Black widow anemones smaller sizes

    Do you want to trade for a large rainbow anemone?
  5. Inverts Rainbow Bubble tip anemone $30

    Only 3 anemones are available.
  6. Inverts Rainbow Bubble tip anemone $30

    bump. I sold a lot buy still have about 15 anemones. Sizes from very small 1 inch to 4-6 inches when fully opened. $10-$20 each I have some mushrooms and paly/zoas too. $5 each I need to re-do my tank. I need this gone. Otherwise will bring to a local shop. Thanks
  7. Inverts Rainbow Bubble tip anemone $30

    $25 each, 2-6 inch
