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Recent content by kingator

  1. Wtb monado live rock

    Pm me ....if u have any nice pieces of monado rock for sale ....thx in advance
  2. WTB. Big live rock show piece

    Looking for one nice show piece of live rock around 20"x16" lmk what u have really looking for a nice piece ..pm any info price and pic of possible .....
  3. 140 gallon tank breakdown

  4. coral summer slam!!!!!!

    Sick piece , keep up the good work fellas . Ill be in tmrw
  5. Wtb ARC firework acro

  6. MikeC?s Custom Reefoman 140G Rimless Peninsula Build

    Insane Mike insane buddy !!! And so is your picture taking skills
  7. live update from asia!!!!!!!!!

    Good to see your home amigo !
  8. Arlin's 120

    Any updates on this buddy
  9. Clearing out the closet

    Apex is sold mod pls close
  10. Clearing out the closet

    Ai sol SOLD ... All left now is the apex auto feeder
  11. Clearing out the closet

  12. 50% off livestock black friday is back!

    Wow , amazing prices RS ,, thx for those acans man ..
  13. Clearing out the closet

    Mp10 sold ai sol left
  14. Clearing out the closet

    Apex feeder Back up for sale
