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Recent content by juan71

  1. Og asd true holly grail torch

    could you plz circle out which one was the one head split to 2 or 3 heads? thanks!
  2. 110 Gallon Reef Tank/stand and rocks- everything must go! $450

    will you selling separately,if yes, how much the doser?
  3. For Sale Goni mania

    MODs, this guy should get kick out as he has done many times that buy for cheap and chop it up for way higher profit! reefers won't sell to him if they knew he will used it for that crazy profit. reefers here trade and sale corals to each others for keeping our wonderful hobby as this website...
  4. Zoas for sale(multiple frags from each types zoas)

    John, will you trade for corals? like the Bowser clony, GOW and AOG, I got godzilla bounce,OG bounce n some nice chalice. 6463381855. juan
  5. Some chalice n lps FS

    Hi reefers, some bright chalice and others lps for sale, WWC raja, mummy eyes, boodies rainbow, boodies gold, war coral, gold chalice, acan echinata, favia, JF jack-o-lantern... pickup in 46th mulberry street nyc10013. 6463381855. Juan.
  6. 4/15/22

    pmed you about the flame angel.
  7. Looking to trade or buying BRS Calcium/ALK/Mag

    bro, switched to reactors, whatever left are yours free, u can pickup this weekend
  8. BRS cupon

    need to order something from BRS today but just can't find the cupon that i got from last order, plz lmk if anyone has a spare one can share. i can give a nice frag in return if you are around me(SOHO). THANKS!
  9. 12 easy sps frags pack for $100

    wanted list texted
  10. Melanarus Wrasse

    pm you about corals trade
  11. Zoa Mini Colony WYSIWYG Sale

    where is your store?
  12. Neon Green Haddoni Carpet $225

    we just need to remember those lowballor's names, then you dont need to wasted the time.
  13. Neon Green Haddoni Carpet $225

    lowballer say, no bad, i got even better deals than what i am lowballing to! since its free, could u plz deliver to me in chicago LOL
  14. Raja rampage chalice

    I can post pics to R2R but not here anymore, dkw
  15. 100$ black Friday discount

    he wont selling it for 100 per head if he is in the city lol
