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Recent content by jimbirk

  1. turn-key aquariums and the new hobbyist

    Are saltwater acquariums luxury items ?- A round goldfish bowl is not a luxury item- a saltwater acquarium- with all of its complexity- AND required reliability- is nothing but a luxury- look at what this hobby at this level is attempting to do-this is not raising guppies !!!! As far as...
  2. Looking for colorful corals

    Do not buy what is commonly called carnation coral- it is a soft coral-typically red-dark red-beautiful- and very difficult to keep in an acquarium-definately not for the beginer or even seasoned saltwater person-withou the knowledge and ability to maintain it. Good luck. :)

    Update-I had adobe 3.0 and 5.0 on the computer- removed 3.0 completely and opened 5.0 and minimized--THEN tried to print the downloads and week 4 came out ok-hopefully this may help someone else. :D :D Good luck

    I have downloaded them- as in the past- still no color and only selected diagrams. Thanks for the reply- anybody have any ideas ???

    Is anybody having problems with week 3 and 4 downloads ? I am getting " Could not find ColorSpace named C52" and "File containing information not understood by the viewer" I have downloaded all updates to adobe acrobat ? Any ideas- Week 3 and 4 downloads do not show any color and the last...
  6. MACO:Borneman Chat Room 2/5/03?

    reefdiver2- catching up this week doesn't begin to describe the work - this stuff is really thick-a martini before AND after study time !!! Good luck to all ! Jim
  7. Week 2 Reading Assignment REQUEST

    I just checked the downloads- nothing appeared new for lectures, quizzes or answers- does anyone else have them ? :?:
  8. Week 2 Reading Assignment REQUEST

    read this- ""NO GUARANTEE"" the second week reading assignment for the class the LAST time it was offered- EIS- Vol 1-233-235;244-246;255--324;325-334;341-344 and 347-370. Acq. Corals- 36-38,44-45,99-105,107-113,114,115,123,154-157,162,175,177-179,188,193-198 and 211-213. ...
  9. Test Post

    I tried today to log into the discussion forum-15-20 times- it would not let me in- anyone else have the same problem ?? MY com puter skills are poor- I'm in now- but do not know what I did differently to get in- it kept asking me to log in- and when I gave it my reefs. password-- "wrong...
  10. Not recieved Part 2

    I am told the book will be here by 2/15/03-vol 2, I have the other two books. Thanks Jim B
  11. Test Post

    Help- this is not a test (post) I am logged in as jimbirk- the nic name on the e-mail test post is my (stupid) log in name for reefs.org-birkej- anyone help me change :( :?: it to jimbirk ??? Thanks
  12. Test Post

    terrific pictures in the lectures !!!!!! Jim :D
  13. New Coolpix photos

    Nice pictures- I have also been thinking about buying a 995-did you look around much before buying the 995 ? Nikon has a new model- 5.xx pix- more $$$$$$ ? Nice tank too !!!!!!!! Good Luck with the 995.
  14. firefish is gone...not on the floor...not under rocks, etc..

    Mine is in a 12 gal- he eats- then hides a lot- maybe not comifn out for several hours at a time- other days he is out all day- he very well might just be MIA not KIA. Have you had any problems feeding ? Good luck.
  15. Is Reefs.org going down the tubes?

    Well said by all-nothing requires any of us to spend our time reading the posts-frankly- most of them are terrific--I'm new to the reef keeping life experience- and so far the help I have receeived has been very helpful-and respectful-I only wish I had more to give back-it is very clear for...
