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Recent content by JHOV2324

  1. Why do so many people leave the hobby?

    I feel the people who have stayed the longest in the hobby are in a stable condition for example already married and/or have a house, career. This way your tank is not only a hobby but it becomes a staple chore. Yet a chore that provides satisfaction.
  2. My 150 acrylic beast

    This aquascaping is NOICE!!!
  3. Jay's Little Ocean AIO Aquarium.

  4. Something is missing here!

    :bigeyes2::pimp::Yikes::approve::groupflip:party: Tio that looks awesome....when we ever getting an invite to your house :mad: My only concern is how close you have tools and tool dust debris from those tools so close to the tank and sump....from past experience you know how chemicals in the...
  5. The nuances of reefing...

    I may have to sit in on this if i ever start a tank over LOL Hope life finds you all in good form :grouphug:
  6. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

    This is just epically clean dude. Kudos.:thrash:
  7. Jackson's Custom 115G Cube Build

  8. Nanoreefer22's 200g DD Build

    Ming he was asking what size tank you have now....keep it PG
  9. Nanoreefer22's 200g DD Build

    My reaction to reading all this from page 1 today :bigeyes2::pimp::Hydrogen::shocked1::Lurking::splitspin:flower::eek::headache::confused::Yikes::letitallo:(
  10. Brando's 180 Gallon in Wall!!!

  11. Upgrade time! DSA 225 Pro

  12. Leopard wrasse owners

    Cyclopeeze!!! and that other pink stuff LOL i think its called selcon
  13. 80 Gallon Rimless Build

    Really nice build
  14. kris wants to be a ganksta man... lmao

