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Recent content by jedimaster1138

  1. Excessive Use of the Chiller so Far and Sump Effects

    Good luck. Keep us in the loop. PS - you might want to invest in a cheapo clip on or just some kind of fan to put in the cabinet and circulate the air. It can do a world of good. But I would for sure go with a cooler bulb on the fuge as a first step. (just not cooler in color, hehe)
  2. Ecotech Marine Battery backup

    Here's a link to the official instructions: http://ecotechmarine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/10162_Rev03_BatteryBackup_Instructions.pdf The battery comes with its own power source as well. It's a trickle charger that keeps the battery fully charged. So you plug that into an always on outlet...
  3. Excessive Use of the Chiller so Far and Sump Effects

    Short answer - yes. It's all the same water. Of course heating up the water in the sump is heating up the entire system. I run T5's over my display. If I turn off the return for a while, I can watch the temp in the sump cool down in a big, big hurry, meanwhile the DT temp - which is under the...
  4. Ecotech Marine Battery backup

    I have a used Ecotech Marine Battery back up for sale. Manufactured in 2014. I had it hooked up to a single mp40. I never ran the Mp40 on backup for more than a couple minutes once of twice to check that it was working, so it's in excellent condition and will likely run a pump for close to...
  5. MikeC?s Custom Reefoman 140G Rimless Peninsula Build

    Gorgeous tank. The clams look super healthy. Fluffy mantles are key.
  6. tunze turbelle powerhead apex strategy

    Recently completed a transition to all Tunze Turbelle DC powerheads. (6105's) I have them all controlled via the Apex. Right now all I'm doing is running the pair on the right at high power for 4 seconds, while the pair on the left runs lower. Then flip. Anyone out there have any interesting...
  7. The importance of ventilating your fish tank rooms

    This. Fresh air is a wonderful thing. The V in HVAC needs more respect and to stop being forgotten. In today's sealed up ultra energy efficient houses, it's even more important to introduce fresh air to the system, even and especially in high summer and the dead of winter. My tank suffered from...
  8. Live blackworms in NYC

    My go-to store for live blackworms - Petland on 86th Street off 2nd ave - closed up shop. I thought I was keeping the place in business going there every other week for a few years! Anyone else have a favorite spot to get live blackworms?
  9. Copperband Butterfly NOT Eating In New Tank

    Live blackworms. Couple bucks for a shot of them at Petland Discounts.
  10. ATI Sunpower VS Giesemann Matrixx II (Non-dimmable)

    I have the 8x80w ATI Sunpower. It just flat out works. Period. I bolted a BML LED strip to the front for a little more blue/violet boost, just because. It looks great. More importantly, the stuff in the tank looks great :) I'm sure the Giesemann is a winner too, the Germans know what they are...
  11. Baby clowns in Gonipora

    I have a pair of clowns living in 2 goniopora for around a year now. They lay eggs on the rock either goni is mounted on. I just found some shots I took of it all in the summer, and the goniopora have doubled or tripled in size since August so I guess something good is happening. I have 5...
  12. Suggestions for some tanks

    Well yeah, that's sorta what I was driving at. If I was to come in looking for say, a Red Planet, and there are frags in each of the 3 tanks, I'd buy the one from the T5/LED hybrid tank because that's the lighting I run myself.
  13. Suggestions for some tanks

    3 SPS tanks, preferably heavily into acropora, from a common sump so as to eliminate chemistry differences. Try to keep the same acropora in all 3 tanks with similar flow as well. Would go a long way to demonstrating the differences in growth / color etc between different lighting. Tank 1...
  14. Moorish Idol feeding

    When in doubt, live blackworms. I've yet to see a fish not go bonkers for em.
