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Recent content by jadakiss

  1. Sofa

    Gray sectional sofa very comfortable and it includes decorative pillows, $1300 must pick up( bergen county)
  2. Anyone know what is it algae ?

    A few things were said up above and i think u should apply yourself to those insights to see how things turn out for you but word of advice.... stop feeding heavy and i would ALWAYS rinse out the cube in RO water i never ever added that cube into my tank.
  3. Anyone know what is it algae ?

    Nitrate is high u have to bring it down , run the phosban reactor changing ur media every 2 weeks to start.
  4. Anyone know what is it algae ?

    From the picture looks a bit of green hair algae, a few things can cause that issue such as ( light bulbs being old, lack of flow, excessive nutrients etc) would like to know hows ur feeding habit etc, if u can give some information to see what could have caused it in your part
  5. Starting ~800 Gallon Custom Reef Tank Build

  6. Reef Savvy 2.0 coming soon!!

    Beautiful tank
  7. Do Mods Exist Anymore on MR?

    Things have differently changed, ive been out the hobby for alot of years , the hobby has changed and of course the site as well. I just adapt to what it is now and what i can't be like before.
  8. Slimey Black stuff in Rocks.

    It looks like some sort of sponge, doesnt look like cyno. How old is your tank
  9. Help

    Looks like ich....as said above and as we spoke a bit , your tank is new... you have to give it time to build bacteria . Your forcing your system to have a overload that isnt ready which in return... you are weakening your system and everyone in that tank.. will be affected by it. SLOW DOWN.
  10. RODI water

    If I were you in my opinion get a brand that had been up and running for a long time and that if your having issues they can have someone in customer service help you. As well they have all the replacement cartridges that is needs. (Bulk reef supply)
  11. Question Algae

    Follow this ^
  12. Stoury's 300 Gallon Mixed Reef Tank

    I'm going to have to read from page 1... ur tank is really nice, looks official
  13. Tank Thread New House/New Tank

    I had to go back and read it all over again .. people asking Is ur tank 4 sale...is the funniest thing I've read ... lmao
  14. Cycling information - 2 weeks + in already

    Just let it take it course at the same time keep testing and see where the parameters are at.
