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Recent content by Hungriee

  1. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    SOLD Thank you!
  2. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    [STILL AVAILABLE] I'm getting out of the hobby and selling my 135g cube. Here are pics and specs of the setup: http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/...135g-cube.html Tank+Stand+sump = $500 / obo. [PLEASE BUY IT!] All other equipment for sale after tank sale. Tank Size: 135 G (36" L x 36" W...
  3. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    Sorry sump needs to be sold w/ the tank.
  4. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    $650 or OBO.
  5. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    rocks sold to Cthoughts.
  6. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    All offers are welcome for tank / sump / stand! Present them and I'll let you know - I'm looking to move this tank fast. Time is essence!
  7. Hungriee's 135G cube

    SOMEONE BUY MY TANK! all offers are welcome
  8. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    I could sell you everything, except for livestock (Fish/corals). Let me know what you want to include in the pckg - and PM me your offer.
  9. Hungriee's 135G cube

    Sure! You should buy it; a great size tank - eurobraced + four 1" holes on the top and external beananimal overflow system too.
  10. Hungriee's 135G cube

    It needs a new owner very soon! I posted a sale thread in the marketplace.
  11. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    tank is RR; runs an external bean animal style overflow system (fail-safe). All livestock (fish/corals) will be taken by my friend. I no longer have time for the system; so looking to rid the tank/equipment.
  12. FS: Getting out of Hobby Sale

    [STILL AVAILABLE] I'm getting out of the hobby and selling my 135g cube. Here are pics and specs of the setup: http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/tank-threads/90213-hungriees-135g-cube.html Tank+Stand+sump = $700 / obo. [Send me your offers - looking for quick sale] LR = $1/lb After tank...
  13. fS: equipment sales

    BUMP. prices are negotiable - priced to move!
  14. fS: equipment sales

    New 20g long tank with stickers still - $20 Used: Hydor koralia evo powerhead 1400 - $35 Swc extreme 160 skimmer- $200 Turbo uv lights (no lamp) - $40 pick up in Brooklyn, NY 11214. PM if interested, looking to sell fast.
  15. FS: High End Zoa Colonies

    1) 15-18 Polyps True Rastas $400 2) 14-16 Polyps Pink Zippers $250 3) 12-15 Polyps Captain Americas $300 Please PM only if interested, as I don't follow the board often anymore. Pick Up in Brooklyn, NY 11214 Only.
