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Recent content by Hadakiri

  1. FS JBJ 1/10hp arctic chiller

    I pm'd you. Live close buy. I will buy.
  2. LED's and tanks for sale.

    What is the length of the LED?
  3. Free Fish <---

    PM sent
  4. D-D H2Ocean Salt any opinions?

    yes, please post your experience when you get a chance.
  5. Two Little Fishies ReVive Coral Cleaner

    I will give revive a try since my local LFS sells it. Thanks.
  6. Leather, pom pom xenia, zoas

    Pm sent
  7. Showtime!!!!!!

    PM sent.
  8. Two Little Fishies ReVive Coral Cleaner

    Is the revive the same as Coral Rx. Meaning can I use this to dip my corals when I buy from other members to ensure there are no pests tagging along?
  9. Is this a Brain??

    I think I narrowed down to orange head lobo.
  10. RICWILLI's Frags for Swap

    Thanks for the two hammer heads; they are doing great c u at the swap.
  11. I'm a AEFW KILLER !!!!!!!

    Thanks for another great tip !!! Ricwilli
  12. pH swings

    Makes sense. thanks. I'm not supplying Kalk in other way because at the moment I only have one LPS coral in my tank along with 3 fishes. ( Yellow tang and 2 chromis).
  13. pH swings

    ok thanks for your help. I think I will try and see how it goes.
  14. pH swings

    Thanks for the link didn't know this product existed. So if you add the buffer to your topoff how long does it stay stable? Or do you see that over time it drops off. The reason I'm asking is because I have a 30 gallon top off and doesn't get all used up until 2 wks. So if I add to my top off...
  15. pH swings

    Ok stupid question what do you buff your topoff water with?
