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Recent content by grimreefer1

  1. Top Ten Signs you are a Reef Addict

    You might be a reef addict if... there are oily forehead and nose marks on your glass. you have completely given up wearing lotion (I'm a girl, can you tell?) you refuse to date anyone who isn't into fish - can you say codependent?
  2. Like to hear from anyone having sucess with a Moorish Idol

    For those that like the look of the Moorish Idol, but want a less risky fish, the Bannerfish is a nice subsitute.
  3. where do you get your clean-up crew?

    Hi Pathos, I'm not too fond of having live stuff shipped overnight, but it is a LOT cheaper than going to the store - bigger selection, special "packages" etc... Hung Ming is close to where I work, maybe I will cruise in there this week.
  4. where do you get your clean-up crew?

    I checked out ipsf and garf, and both had terrible websites that were almost impossible to navigate. reeftopia seemed to have decent deals on hermit/snail mixes, and free shipping on bigger orders. What have your experiences been? I am most interested in reef safe hermits such as the scarlet...
  5. Bubble Trouble

    i, I also "inherited" last Friday 2 bubble tip anenomes. I didn't know I would be receiving these. I wasn't planning on keeping anenomes since I am just starting out, and I am painfully unaware...
  6. How do I keep macroalgae from killing my corals and clams?

    I have a rather large (7-8") Naso Tang that will eat as much macro as I put in the tank. He is a pig. My yellow tang is more of a nibbler, not a destroyer, so I think it makes quite a difference what type of tang it is. I also have an algae blenny who literally scrapes and bites at rocks to...
  7. How do I frag a colt coral? polyps? sea mat?

    Hi, My boyfriend has a beautiful colt coral that we are going to frag. What is the best way to do this? Can we just cut a piece off of it? We have heard of people cutting a piece off, sticking a toothpick through it and tying it to a rock and waiting for it to attach, and then removing the...
  8. Gonipora worm, plus more questions

    Hi all, I "inherited" a gonipora on Friday. It has a segmented worm-like creature that lives on it. This wormy thing doesn't move all that much, but it gives an occasional wiggle. I have seen these worms in photos before. Is this worm in some sort of symbiotic relationship with the gonipora...
  9. black nudibranchs in my tank! are they bad?

    Thanks David, It looks like an all black Scutus! If it eats algae, that's fine with me! -Darcy
  10. Gonipora worm, plus more questions

    Definitely not bristle worms! I'm trying to get a pic of it. It a segmented worm that is grey in color.
  11. black nudibranchs in my tank! are they bad?

    Hi With the live rock and all that I received on Friday, 2 black nudibranchs have appeared. Since I didn't know I would be getting these, I haven't researched them. Are these beneficial to have in my tank? or do they pose a threat? They are certainly fascinating to watch - they are the...
  12. Look at this poor fish

    Also no offense, but it's "appalled" not "appaulled". Speaking of nurse sharks, I saw a thread about aquatic reflections, and their website shows that they have a nurse shark for sale. Just in case anyone feels like b*tching....
  13. small tank problems

    Ammonia presence with no 'trites or 'trates means your tank hasn't cycled.
  14. skinny HOT skimmer?

    Hi Yet another question. I am looking for a skimmer that will fit on the back of my tank. Unfortunately, I can't move my tank, since it's 100g and full of water. I think there is about 3-4 " of space between the tank and the wall. I don't have a sump, although I am not opposed to making...
  15. Who runs skimmerless systems?

    Yes, it's my first tank. Ideally, I would not be getting the corals and fish, but the guy who is selling me all of his stuff is giving me a fantastic deal, and needed to do it right away, even though I'm not quite ready. hence, the questions about skimmerless arise because I DON'T YET HAVE A...
