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Recent content by gobybryant

  1. WTB Classic Frag Pack

    Nice! I can do a pick the weekend after Christmas if that works! I’ll PM you closer to the day.
  2. WTB Classic Frag Pack

    Looking for an SPS frag pack with the classics: Oregon Tort Red Planet Hawkins Echinata Purple Monster Pink Lemonade Thanks!
  3. WTB overflow box

    What kind?
  4. WTB overflow box

    Title pretty much says it all- looking for an overflow box.
  5. Rare Hybrid Clowns + Nem FS - Reduced Price!

    Bump. Taking offers on this crew!
  6. Rare Hybrid Clowns + Nem FS - Reduced Price!

    Saturday night bump. Reduced price to $800 for the pair + giant carpet nem
  7. Rare Hybrid Clowns + Nem FS - Reduced Price!

    Not that I’m aware of. I did a pretty big clean of the glass the other day so there was a lot of crud in the water column. Here are the fish today!
  8. Rare Hybrid Clowns + Nem FS - Reduced Price!

    Hi all, I've paired rare wild caught hybrid maroon clowns. You can read about the pairing process here on this thread. Due to space constraints, I'm looking to sell the pair to a good home. I'm asking $800 OBO for the pair + their ~14" blue/purple haddoni. Best, Ty
  9. Wild Red Sea Bicinctus sold

    Oh very cool. Yea I knew collection from the Red Sea was illegal, which is why its been so difficult to find them. They're really beautiful fish.
  10. Wild Red Sea Bicinctus sold

    I suppose it’s possible they were collected in the area between Yemen and Somalia, but they are wild caught.
  11. Wild Red Sea Bicinctus sold

    Asking $300 (it's what I purchased them for). These are fairly hard to come by wild caught. Took my a while to get them, but tank troubles have sent me back a bit. Female is very large 5.5-6" Male is about 1.5"
  12. IM Fusion 15 Gallon Cube

    Thanks again! Buy with confidence y’all.
  13. HELP TANK BROKE - resolved, thanks all!

    Thanks @Jzdad - I'm actually picking up an IM15 from someone who posted it yesterday. Hopefully all fish can be transferred by EOD!
