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Recent content by fransmom

  1. For Sale 40 breeder freshwater setup for sale

    I don’t know if this members account was hacked or what but basically. The offer was to pay 1/2 then the other half for delivery. I paid 1/2 plus and additional for delivery. My delivery was to be this morning as I was contacted late last night to confirm that I had a space prepared for the...
  2. For Sale 40 breeder freshwater setup for sale

    This guy is a scam
  3. For Sale 40 breeder freshwater setup for sale

    Is it still available!
  4. [Closed]

  5. SOlD

    Is it still available. Want to introduce my boyfriend to the hobby and this would be a good start.
  6. [Closed]

    Is the entire set up avail for sale and if so what are you asking?
  7. 14 Gal Biocube with Pro Series USA LED Lid, Dimmable + Stand/ heater

    Hi I?m in Amityville. Is it still available? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Tan pipe organ coral

    Is it still available? In Amityville Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. TANK BREAKDOWN - Long Island

    Hi, I'm in Amityville. Very interested in Kenya tree, 2 hairy mushroom,fox face, hippo tang, green chromosome, and sand sea star Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Free cheato

    Moderator, please close. All gone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Free cheato

    I1701. Pick up only. Thinning out cheato. Have about 3 sandwich bags worth. It's free but if you have any zoa frags you want to donate or any softies, I'd very much appreciate it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Tank braking down...getting out of the hobby

    seller said they're all SOLD
  13. Green favia and GSP frag for sale/trade

    Pictures? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
