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Recent content by FinCity

  1. 150 gallon tank

    Agree to Disagree? I guess we all have opinions... I buy Copepods and Live Tiger pods in addition to my normal feeding routine. I started out with recommending the Wrasses for Bristleworm control and never had problems in my tanks at home. I still see a few of the 6 lines in customers tanks...
  2. 150 gallon tank

    Yes, was "Tank" and yes, I work with Z-Fish in Miami that has been breeding them. At least that is what they have been saying. Either way, I have had about a dozen 6 lines in my or my customers tanks, and for sure, never had a problem... I never really worried about Capture/Removing fish, but...
  3. 150 gallon tank

    Not at all I have never heard anyone enter say anything negative about a six line before... And mine was yank raised, so...
  4. 150 gallon tank

    Six Line Hey - I would for sure look into the Six Line Wrasse. Good part of a clean up crew... I can't put a picture, but you can Google it for sure!
  5. 150 gallon tank

    Skimmer? Do you plan on a Skimmer? If not, what was your reasoning behind skipping? I'm looking to set up a similar system, except it will be 3 separate 55 gallon tanks using 1 refugium (1 coral, 1 reef community, 1 predator).
  6. UV Sterilizer

    About 9w per 55 gallon Hey Real, I have always been under the impression that for every 50 gallons, you want about 9w for your UV. I have been using one called the Green Killing Machine for about 2 years now and I love it. It's a 9w that I use in my 55 gallon Coral/Fish tank. You should...
