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Recent content by el_Reverde

  1. SCAMMER 🚨

    I too was almost the victim of this clown!! But his tune was busted once I asked him for his PayPal info for the payment and he ran for the hills... this is the best approach for payment, everyone is covered :)
  2. Nuvo and Fluval complete setups - coral trades welcomed

    Ok, thanks. Are you available this weekend for pick up or viewing. Would you trade for corals?
  3. Sps package

    Free bump
  4. SpectraPure MaxPure 180GPD RODI/ Drinking Water System

    Hello Mike. Pictures please
  5. sps dying

    I agree with the masses - lower your Alk first and foremost. From your pic, seems as your SPS they are on the sand. What Par are you getting at the bottom of your tank?
  6. 75 Gallon Reef, best light recommendation???

    Two AI 16s would work easily but if you don't want to have to push them too hard, I would do three of them for a much better spread on a 48" aquarium. It will give you a piece of mind for a future proof system down the road, if you want to sneak in an SPS into the mix 😉
  7. Wanted Red Sea 250 Black stand.

    You were PM'd
  8. Advice on Setting Up My First Reef Tank – What to Expect?

    Welcome to the club. * make it simple * take things easy * don't rush the process
  9. Acro

    Free BUMPY BUMP for darkrage... he has the best prices around, and right there with how reefing used to be! Keep up the great work 👍
  10. Lost Everything

    Sorry to hear - I hope that things go as smooth as possible.
  11. Tank break down

    I will text you.
  12. Tank break down

    Would you accept 250 for the rock anemone/gozilla yuma/candy cane?
  13. Trident/neptune apex

    You were pm'd
  14. Tank break down

    Me too
