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Recent content by edalvarez

  1. 34g Nano tank and stand for sale

    Tank and salt have been sold. Thank you all.
  2. 34g Nano tank and stand for sale

    Hi I have two interested parties, but if they fall through definitely I can do that, I will be in the bronx within the next two weeks or so if you can wait. Thank you.
  3. 34g Nano tank and stand for sale

    All PM's responded to, thank you for the inquiries.
  4. 34g Nano tank and stand for sale

    Friday bump
  5. 34g Nano tank and stand for sale

    Hello, No skimmer and here is a link to some pics. http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/sale-trade/75613-34g-nano-reduced-price.html
  6. 34g Nano tank and stand for sale

    I am getting out of the hobby. I am in Brewster (10509) only 30 min from White Plains and about 1 hour from Manhattan. The Tank is pick up only, it is a nice tank / setup the tank has 4 compartments for peripherals and refugium in the back, it is comparable to the Red Sea Max. Thank...
  7. 34g Tank and Stand for Sale

    Weekend Bump
  8. 34g Tank and Stand for Sale

    Lowered the price down to $ 275.00.
  9. 34g Tank and Stand for Sale

    Bump No one needs salt? You can't have enough on hand, buy it from me, no tax, no s/h or freight charges. Thank you.
  10. 34g Tank and Stand for Sale

    Thank you Big Al pleasure doing business with you.
  11. 34g Tank and Stand for Sale

    PM responed to. Thank you.
