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Recent content by drvandaly

  1. FS 40 Gal with all

  2. FS/FT: mated pair of maroon clowns

    pm sent
  3. FS 40 Gal with all

    tank is my brothers, tryimng to get pic from him. What are you looking for when you say parameters?
  4. FS 40 Gal with all

  5. WTB QT tank 30 or 40 Gal.

    pm sent
  6. 40g Breeder

  7. Anyone have rock.

    Have about 50 lbs or so (10 gal bucket full) asking $50. how much sand do u have?
  8. Need 400+lbs of rock..

    I have 50 or so lbs (full 10 gal bucket). It was once live. $50 if you want it. On L.I.
  9. FS 40 Gal with all

    Will post pix in a day!
  10. FS 40 Gal with all

    FS/FT 40 Gal with all For Sale 40 Gal tank with stand (black), 10 gal wet/dry, overflow box and pump. Crushed coral substrait, I also have a good deal of dead rock. I don't know the tank type, there are no pre-drilled holes. The wet/dry was self made. $100.00 for tank, stand, filter, pump...
  11. Seahorse & Pipefish Haven Part II

    How hard are your pumps flowing? Do you shut them down to feed or can the pipefish swim fast enough to catch the food?
  12. Seahorse & Pipefish Haven Part II

    How long into the year can you still collect before the pipefish move out of the shallows. I am starting a 29g now that my wife wants seahorses and pipefish in.
  13. Tank and stand

    Do you have a hood or lighting for it?
