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Recent content by drunktank

  1. 36 Gal Bow Front Tank & Stand - Drilled/ Reef Ready

    I was cleaning out my garage and I found a custom tank and stand I purchased from Aaron a few years ago. I never got around to setting it up. Tank dimensions are 30" x 15" x 21" Stand dimensions are 35" x 24" x 30 Back of the tank is covered in blue adhesive vinyl. Factory drilled for 1"...
  2. Business Networking

    holy post revival. I posted here when it was first created 4 years ago haha! My company does websites for Real Estate Agents and general businesses, we also provide internet marketing.
  3. How small we are...

    the enterprise would take that long to get there, but what about a borg cube using transwarp? Take that science :DarthVade
  4. BMW dealer?

    I personally think the X5 is a great truck. I have a fully loaded 2010 X5. I test drove the Acura's and I was not impressed at all. Wont go anywhere near a Benz. I got my lease for 3 years, no money down and 12k miles a year for less than 800/month. If you want a good BMW dealer, my buddy works...
  5. who was selling the target dog?

    i have no concept of time :splitspin
  6. who was selling the target dog?

    I rememeber there being a form with someone trying to find their target dog a good home - I have a friend that was interested when I mentioned it to him PM me
  7. FS: Sump

    nice bag of shrooms lol
  8. WTB:BOW FRONT TANK with stand

    i have a 36g bow w/ a custom cabinet w/ extra room for a sump and supplies.. i also have a VHO set for the tank, pumps etc for added cost... never set the tank up b/c my job moved me to VT. 200 bucks this is the set up i got...
  9. Dog peeing problem (Part II)

    when i lived in newport, jersey city i had a guy who lived a few houses down complain about letting my dog pee on the sidewalk... at first he started with the poop which i always picked up i just put the bag in my pocket when it wasnt full... my dog liked to pee at a tree infront of this guys...
  10. WTB: dead figi/tonga rock

    i've got some baserock you can have for free
  11. 36 gallon bow front

    i have a 36b bow front, drilled, black rim and over flow box included.. custom made cabinet and starboard to fit. PM me if ur interested.
  12. Stuff for sale and some freebies

    that 33g looks very familiar :P
  13. Nikon D90

    i have a d70 and i dont know how to use it or where to buy a replacement battery/charger
  14. Lets see your fish tank room!

    wow a lot of great tanks!
