gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Recent content by dj ze

  1. New Arrivals 07292016

    thanks guys for the triple pyramid butterflies they look great and the price was unbelievable my boy also came out with a great pair of masked swallow tail angelfish
  2. New Arrivals 07292016

    price on the yellow pyramids
  3. Free Cheato

    Do you still have any left
  4. Tangs FT:

    that is not a gold rim it's a powder brown
  5. Fish for sale

    Interested in checkerboard wrasse
  6. Max reef is new and improved and in connecticut

    whats the price on the gigantea
  7. Who is from New Jersey?

    garwood ,nj
  8. frags/xenia/nepthea rocks f/s

    if rock #1 is still available i'll take it
  9. black friday "phase 2"

    just want to thank the guys at the reef shop for taking good care of me again today especially for hooking me on the huge orange shoulder tang will look forward to seeing you guys again soon
  10. black friday "phase 2"

    What Time Do You Open On friday
  11. black friday "phase 1"

    half of the store was gone in the first hour i came home with 15 fish will definitely be going back this week to stock up on some coral
  12. More stuff for sale - NJ 07033

    i'll take the eggcrate acrylic cylinders prongs and nets send pay pal infi
  13. Green Nepthea

    Where in manhanttan I work on perry st
  14. Green Nepthea

    where is pick up
  15. Should I switch to T5?...

    i ran led for around 7 years two and a half months ago i changed to an 8 bulb ati sunpower and man what a change almost all my corals especially lps morphed unto colors i had never seen before every day that i look at my tank seems like it just gets more & more colorful with the t5's
