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Recent content by Dfm34

  1. WTB Shallow reef tank and stand NJ

    Does the stand have doors hate to be picky but where I am putting the wife would want the stand enclosed.
  2. WTB Shallow reef tank and stand NJ

    Looking for a 40-50 gal reef ready shallow tank and stand in NJ. DM me if you have one. Thanks
  3. Jumping back in

    Thanks def will reach out Sent from my SM-F721U using Tapatalk
  4. Jumping back in

    Thanks def will need at some point trying to nail down the tank and sump first. Will let you know once ready. If your equipment is still available and fits we can talk. Dan Sent from my SM-F721U using Tapatalk
  5. Jumping back in

    Hi all so someone recommended the redsea max e170? Anyone have experience with this tank. Thanks Sent from my SM-F721U using Tapatalk
  6. Jumping back in

    After a few years off it looks like I am jumping back in and looking for some advice. New tank will be a shallow reef most likely 40-50 gal. I am looking at read sea or fiji cube so anyone with experience with these please chime in. Next I am looking at lighting recommendations (LED) for lps...
  7. Jumping back in

    Also if anyone is selling a shallow tank and stand like this in NJ let me know. I am down by the shore. Thanks Sent from my SM-F721U using Tapatalk
  8. Jumping back in

    After a few years off it looks like I am jumping back in and looking for some advice. New tank will be a shallow reef most likely 40-50 gal. I am looking at read sea or fiji cube so anyone with experience with these please chime in. Next I am looking at lighting recommendations (LED) for lps...
  9. Can't access market place from taptalk

    While using taptalk app I can't access the marketnplace error message is invalid forum ID Sent from my SM-F721U using Tapatalk
  10. SpectraPure MDPI-90

    I have left the hobby over a year ago have two items left I want to sell. I am located in NJ 08884 local pick only please SpectraPure MDPI-90 RODI system has additional 5th stage and Dual digital TDS meter $65 I also have a large 65 gal plastic horizontal water container. I used for water...
  11. Tank break down - parting out

    Update $275 takes it all Still available Spectrapure RODI MD 90 Neptune fluid Managment Atk Skimz dc mini skimmer Tank and stand Hanna checker I will throw in a box of salt mix Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Tank break down - parting out

    Ok this is what?s I have left I am looking for local pick up only in NJ 08884 AI Prime HD $100 Liter meter III 150 (dual head) Spectrapure MPDI 90 5 stage $125 Neptune auto feeder system $50 Neptune Atk $100 Skins mini dc skimmer $75 Chem tech 100d $100 (dual head pump) 30...
  13. Getting out part 2

    Ok I sold off the large tank now it?s on to the small one. Total package first not parting out local pick up only NJ 08884 $500 Rimless 30gl tank with live stock 1 spotcinctus clownfish 1 pencil urchin 1 Aussie Green finger leather 1 small rock flower anemone 20# live rock One rock...
  14. Equipment Getting out everything must go

    I am responding to Im first come first serve if I txt you and you don?t response I have to move on to the next buyer. Thank you Dan Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Equipment Getting out everything must go

    Yes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
