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Recent content by darkblack

  1. WTB sump

    Looking for something 36’ or bigger Thanks
  2. D

    can you please send me a picture of the frogspawn ? thanks 3152099065

    can you please send me a picture of the frogspawn ? thanks 3152099065
  3. Three Pieces Left to Sell

    can text me some pictures thanks . 3152099065
  4. Setosa , jaw breakers, bi color frogspawns.

    hi buddy can you please text me what you have thanks 3152099065
  5. Black widow nem f/s

    Pricing Please
  6. Small business Saturday sale

    Really nice store and has really good looking corals. I would not miss this.
  7. Kryptonite Jawbreaker

  8. Kessil AP700

  9. Kessil AP700

    I have 2 Kessil AP700 for sale. Asking $400 each. Comes with hanging kit
  10. two zoa colonies

    Can't Pm. Your box is full. Thanks
  11. Psssst... Check it out!!!!

    As I posted before we did our soft opening and we are going to do our grand opening very soon. Even we are not fully open yet, I am at the store everyday between 11am to 8pm.Most of days more than that. If I am not at the store which is very rare, I am in 5 min range. Please call or send a...
  12. Ecotech mp60, mp40's

    MP40s sold
  13. Pacific Sun Metis Hyperion R2 3*135W

    :) I would love to sell the light don't get me wrong. But yes It is little bit over kill.
  14. Pacific Sun Metis Hyperion R2 3*135W

    Selling Pacific Sun Metis Hyperion 3*135w. Asking $750. I have 2 of them. Thanks
