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Recent content by D.moller

  1. Free Free stuff

    Update of post. 120 tank gone stand availabale if anyone needs otherwise going to curb for trash 65 gallon stand only free. Same thing going to trash soon. Chiller. Gone 100 gallon stock tank available free 2 32 gallon brute cans with Lids and wheels $20 each. Available Pick up 11714 call or...
  2. Free Free stuff

    I have a deep blue 120 with stand for free if anyone wants it. Got it from another member and the project never went anywhere just want it gone. Also have a 100 gallon stock tank that I need gone. Paid nothing want nothing. Jbj Arctica chiller. Works fine. Haven’t needed to use in a while $50...
  3. For Sale Moving sale must go

    As of now sale is pending pickup in a couple days. Thanks to all who inquired. I will contact those in order who contacted me in the chance the sale falls through. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. For Sale Moving sale must go

    Phone number is 516-522-4338 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. For Sale Moving sale must go

    65 gallon reef ready with homemade stand Eshopps sump Bubble magus skimmer 2 ai hydra 26hd WiFi apex Apex dos Jebao return pump Jebao wave makers All plumbing included system currently up and running Will include brand new 40 breeder sump And original stand for 65. Moving and need this...
  6. Neptune eb8 and wxm

    Wxm pending Eb8 still available Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Neptune eb8 and wxm

    Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Neptune eb8 and wxm

    Bump..still availble Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Neptune eb8 and wxm

    Have an extra eb8 orange label for sale and a wxm module orange label for sale. Eb8 -100 firm Wxm -50 firm Pickup in 11714 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. deep blue 120rr Frames

    I have tried to contact them before they told me they have no offering for frames Ive also done some googling and found places that sell frames but it seems that the 24" dimension is not offered anywhere.
  11. deep blue 120rr Frames

    Looking for Plastic Frames for a Deep Blue 120 RR. No luck contacting. manufacturer as they're out of business. If anyone has any info on where I can get frames for this size tank please let me know. thanks
  12. 2.5? Yellow belly hippo

    Pm sent Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. 93 cube breakdown

    I?ll take purple tang Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Radions and apex

    Pm sent Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. looking for apex controller

    I think I?m going to go a different route. Probably just going to get a second controller being that running an Aquabus from the downstairs den to the third floor master where the new tank is going to go is going to be a chore and a half. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
