Hi ,
it's been a while so here's some info of the past month.
I had lots of planaria so I added Ripercol in my aquarium....
result: Naso dead.... and all of my corals seems to be dead to.
Now 2 weeks leater : Naso still dead:o but the corals have survived it, only the color of some...
A Harlequin shrimp eats ALL seastars.Now , you're red brittle star is also a carnivore , so a battle between those two is certain.
Normely the Harlequin will be victorius.
get rid of the bio-balls was a wize disicion.
In my system ( Berlin Method) there is only a skimmer in my sump and a PO4 killer(change after 3-4 weeks). Thats all... .Also no different parts in my sump, just an automatic levelholder.
So maybe you can help me... I opened a thread about is a while ago. I want to order some corals with u guy's in the US en let them come to Belgium. Now the tricky part is that I have not a shop.
hopely some positive response,
Thanks Mckostya,
I just came back from a meeting about Kaizen,Lean en Smed.
They also mention poka yoke, strange to find it here on he forum... .:tongue1:
WOW that's like sooooo lang agoo.
What can I say...... War is over:funnypost.
You should come back for vacation and check it out...
Let me know when:orangehat