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Recent content by coppa

  1. Mini Barrief Reef in Belgium

    update Hi , it's been a while so here's some info of the past month. I had lots of planaria so I added Ripercol in my aquarium.... result: Naso dead.... and all of my corals seems to be dead to. Now 2 weeks leater : Naso still dead:o but the corals have survived it, only the color of some...
  2. 120 Oceanic Mixed Reef

    Nice movie. Kris
  3. 120 Oceanic Mixed Reef

    wow nice piece the Aussie. Kris
  4. uk calling

    Hi, greetings from Belgium, not so far away... I also like pics.... Kris
  5. Harlequin shrimp - what kind of star fish they eat

    A Harlequin shrimp eats ALL seastars.Now , you're red brittle star is also a carnivore , so a battle between those two is certain. Normely the Harlequin will be victorius. br, Kris
  6. Mini Barrief Reef in Belgium

    thanks all.:spin: Kris
  7. Mini Barrief Reef in Belgium

    a few more... with blue T5.
  8. Mini Barrief Reef in Belgium

    pictures... Hi folks, new toy in town, a Canon 500D... Here are some pics, ... suggestions are welcome.
  9. 120 Oceanic Mixed Reef

    WOW, those purple buttons/hornets(pic. 9)are amazing. I never saw them here in Europe. Kris
  10. Nitrate Problem , HELP PLEASE ...

    get rid of the bio-balls was a wize disicion. In my system ( Berlin Method) there is only a skimmer in my sump and a PO4 killer(change after 3-4 weeks). Thats all... .Also no different parts in my sump, just an automatic levelholder. br, Kris
  11. Shipping corals from Oversea?

    So maybe you can help me... I opened a thread about is a while ago. I want to order some corals with u guy's in the US en let them come to Belgium. Now the tricky part is that I have not a shop. hopely some positive response, Kris
  12. Nitrate Problem , HELP PLEASE ...

    better yet , get rid of the bio-balls. Kris
  13. Mini Barrief Reef in Belgium

    Thanks Mckostya, I just came back from a meeting about Kaizen,Lean en Smed. They also mention poka yoke, strange to find it here on he forum... .:tongue1: br, Kris
  14. Mini Barrief Reef in Belgium

    WOW that's like sooooo lang agoo. What can I say...... War is over:funnypost. You should come back for vacation and check it out... Let me know when:orangehat grtz Kris
  15. Mini Barrief Reef in Belgium

    Hi, in fact she's red but not so good visible on camera. Sh's in my tank about 1 year now. grtz Kris
