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Recent content by chvynva916

  1. Moving Give Away! Tank, light, chiller, all free!

    I'm moving today and am giving away (yes for free!) the following: Finnex 30g M-Tank with all plumbing (including skimmer, pumps, and tubes); 250w HQI 24" hood and 1/15 chiller I'll be offline for the rest of the day, so email me at [email protected] if interested. First to respond gets...
  2. 30-G Finnex M-Tank + 250w HQI + 1/15 Chiller $400

    Selling a Finnex 30G M-Tank with all plumbing (skimmer, two pumps, plumbing) ($150) + a current 250w HQI hood (24") ($100) + a current 1/15 HP chiller ($150). Selling all for $400 as a package or will sell individually. Pickup is in financial district.
  3. 30G Finnex M-Tank Setup + Dry Goods

    Black silicone.
  4. 30G Finnex M-Tank Setup + Dry Goods

    It's yours. It's 1/15 HP. When you say "rated", what do you mean? Email me at [email protected] to set it up.
  5. 30G Finnex M-Tank Setup + Dry Goods

    For Sale in Financial District 30G Finnex M-Tank with stock pumps, plumbing, and skimmer. $150. Current 250W HQI Hood w/ 6 month hold 14k bulb. $100. 1/15 HP chiller. $100 Niveaumat top off system. $75. Fluval 205 canister filtr. $50. Aquacontroller 3 with DC 8, pH probe, and temp probe...
  6. 30G Finnex M-Tank and Accessories in Manhattan

    Bunch of dry goods for sale in Manhattan (financial district): 30G Finnex M-Tank + plumbing, stock pumps, and skimmer: $200 Niveaumat Auto Topoff: $100 1/15 HP Current Chillers: $150 Current 250W HQI Hood w/ 6 month old 14K bulb: $150 AquaController3 with Temperature and pH probes and DC8...
  7. Complete 30g Finnex M-Tank Setup $500

    I have a bunch of pics of the setup. What exactly are you looking for? Underneath the tank, in the stand, are the chiller and external filter. In the back of the tank is the skimmer. In the black stand next to the tank on the left is the auto-topoff water container. And I keep the niveaumat...
  8. Complete 30g Finnex M-Tank Setup $500

    Do you have an offer in mind? It really is a beautiful, enormous coral. It grew from about 5 small heads two years ago into what you see now. I have some great growth picks.
  9. Complete 30g Finnex M-Tank Setup $500

    Complete 30g Finnex M-Tank Setup with livestock for $500. Pickup in Manhattan. $500 gets you: 30g Finnex M-Tank with 250w HQI Hood and Red Sea Max stand Niveaumat top-off system Aquacontroller 3 with pH and temp probes 1/15 HP chiller with plumbing Canister filter 50 gpd RO/DI system 40 lbs...
  10. Finnex 30g M-Tank Full Setup w/ Livestock

    I'm selling my complete setup. For $1,000, you get the following: Finnex 30g M-Tank all-in-one tank with Red Sea Max stand (fits perfectly and sturdier and bigger than Finnex stand) 250W HQI Hood Niveaumat top-off system Fluval external filter 1/15 HP Chiller with plumbing Aquacontroller 3...
  11. Complete 30g Finnex M-Tank Setup $1,000

    For Sale Complete 30g Finnex M-Tank Setup. $1,000 or best offer. Pickup in Manhattan Includes: 30g Finnex M-Tank with 250w HQI hood Red Sea Max stand (tank fits perfectly on top) Aquacontroller 3 1/15 horsepower chiller Fluval external filter Niveaumat topoff system Various accessories...
  12. Complete Nano Setup in 30g Finnex M-Tank

    I'm selling my complete nano setup. $2k takes it all (will not sell piecemeal). $2k gets you Hardware, including: 30g Finnex M-Tank (with stock skimmer and pump). Current USA 1/15 hp chiller with pump and tubing hookups to tank. Fluval canister filter Niveaumat top-off with 7g storage...
  13. 1 year anniversary of my tank

    Hey Prof! You probably don't remember me, but I was one of the PSU aquarium volunteers for a few years when the tank was first installed (almost 10 years ago!). To this day, you're reef advice ranks among my favorites: "If it doesn't want to live in my tank, I didn't want it there anyway." :-)
  14. why is coralline algae good?

    The reason to have coralline is mostly for aesthetics. (1) It looks good itself (opinion, of course) and (2) it can outcompete less aesthetic algae (again, opinion). It's also worth noting that even to the extent that corraline doesn't improve the tank's health, it is at least a sign of the...
