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Recent content by charliethetuna88

  1. Equipment REEFBRITE XHO 48” $250

    Whers pickup?how old ?
  2. Coral Candy Apple Pink Frags

    U gotta go man it's the mecca of coral shows it's this saterday march 1 it's in Connecticut
  3. Coral Candy Apple Pink Frags

    Will u be at ffm
  4. LFS

    Tropical island in deer park ..
  5. Sunkist

    Looking for a Sunkist mushroom
  6. sps dying

    Agree lower ur alk a bit and make sure it does not fluctuate up and down .I like alk around 8 -8.5 max
  7. Equipment for sale

    Can u ship the doser .or if u work in the city maybe I can meet up with u
  8. Lighting Radion G6 xr15 blue

    Where's pickup
  9. BNIB Radion XR15 G6 Blue LED Light

    u ever in the city
  10. Equipment f/s prices updated

    How long is the Orphek light and are they blues
  11. Frag swap Sept 28

    Thanks for coming everyone .we all had a great time
  12. For Sale Chalices and favia for sale

    I'll take a fascination...wanna trade I have raja rampage chalice Avatar chalice Rr space invader chalice Wwc Stellaria Cb Diablo chalice
  13. Coral green slimer, orange crush acan, mummy eye, purple bonsai, yellow tip acro,

    I'll be running the show on Saturday so I'll be there all day
