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Recent content by CaileeGreco

  1. Niger trigger 3.5”

    Niger Trigger around 3.5”. Eating mysis, brine, nori, pellets. $50 pick up 11722
  2. Niger trigger 3.5” for sale

    Niger Trigger around 3.5”. Eating mysis, brine, nori, pellets $50
  3. Looking for a Waterbox 35.2 or 40 Gallon

    Hello. I am looking to buy an AIO tank. Around 35 to 40 gallons. I have an 20 gallon waterbox aio for trade or sale for a larger tank plus cash if we are trading. I will also consider a red sea or NUVO. Let me know what you have!!
  4. Looking for a Waterbox AIO 35.2 or 40 Gallon

    Hello. I am looking to buy a AIO Waterbox 35 or 40 gallon. Might consider an AIO Red Sea or Nuvo as well. Message me if you have anything for sale!
  5. Looking for Pods/ Rotifers

    Awesome. How much?
  6. Looking for Pods/ Rotifers

    Looking for pods/ rotifers for my tank. I’m located in Long Island, but work in Manhattan.
  7. Frags for Sale

    I can bring frags to LIRA frag swap!!! Let me know
  8. Frags for Sale

    Located in Long Island
  9. Frags for Sale

    FRAGS Purple/gold hammer 4 heads - 125 Frogspawn splitting into 5 heads - 100 PC Rainbow - PM Atomic Green Slimmer - PM Oregon Tort - PM Mixed Frags - PM PC Rainbow large colony - 300
  10. 75 gallon EDGE deep blue professionals tank for sale

    Selling my 75 gallon EDGE deep blue professionals aquarium. Protein skimmer, a few power heads, heater, sump, RO Water Unit, and LED lighting - 2 AI Prime 16 - all included no leaks or cracks. What you see is what you get -$1,000

    What can you do on the reef crystals salt?
  12. 75 gallon edge deep blue professionals tank for sale

    Looking to sell my 75 gallon EDGE deep blue professionals aquarium. Protein skimmer, a few power heads, heater, sump, RO Water Unit, and LED lighting - 2 AI Prime 16 - all included no leaks or cracks. What you see is what you get - $1,000
